Series: Epiphany Old Testament Sermons
January 19, 2025
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
The Second Sunday After The Epiphany 19-January-2025 Sermon Text: Exodus 33:12-23 Sermon Theme: “God’s Reconciling Glory!” I. He Gives Us Rest! (Vs.12-14). II. He Knows Us By Name! (Vs.15-17). III. He Blesses Us With His Name!”(vs.18-23) by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
Episode Notes
The Second Sunday After The Epiphany 19-January-2025
Sermon Text: Exodus 33:12-23
Sermon Theme: “God’s Reconciling Glory!” I. He Gives Us Rest! (Vs.12-14). II. He Knows Us By Name! (Vs.15-17). III. He Blesses Us With His Name!”(vs.18-23)
I.N.R.I. It appeared to be a fairy tale wedding. The Bridegroom rescued His bride from slavery and imprisonment. When her evil captors came to force her back into slavery, the Bridegroom single handedly fought for her. He vanquished all her captors and led her to safety with Him. When she thirsted He gave her fountains of life giving water. When she hungered He fed her heavenly food. The bride stood seeing the Bridegroom’s glory and hearing His voice. She promised to be faithful to Him alone as they were married under the open sky.
We would expect the next line to be, “and they lived happily forever.” Unfortunately the bliss only lasted forty days. The bride lavished with the Bridegroom’s love and care lusted for another. She adulterated herself with another who would take her places she wanted to go. She broke her marriage vow prostituting herself to another.
The Bridegroom was angry and brokenhearted. He was ready to put her away, but His very nature is love. How could He go back on His Word? Do you know this Bridegroom and His unfaithful bride?
The bride is the children of Israel. The Bridegroom is Christ Jesus. The ancient Jewish rabbis viewed the Lord speaking to Israel at Mount Sinai as a marriage covenant. It was there the Lord God pledged His love to His Bride. Hearing His voice and His covenant preached by Moses they promised, Exo 24:7 ...., "All that the LORD has said we will do, and be obedient." All seemed well. The Lord calls Moses back into His presence on Sinai. History records, Exo 24:17-18 The sight of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. (18) So Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.
While Moses is gone the people turn their hearts from God and His Word. They rally to have Aaron mold them a golden calf to worship and lead them back into slavery in Egypt. They break their vow to their Divine Bridegroom - forsaking Him they rush into idolatry and sexual sin calling it their contemporary worship. The Lord God was ready to destroy them all and begin again with Moses. Moses intercedes. He prays the Lord to spare them and blot his name out of the Book of Life. He pleads, “God’s Reconciling Glory!” I. He Gives Us Rest! (Vs.12-14). II. He Knows Us By Name! (Vs.15-17). III. He Blesses Us With His Name!”(vs.18-23)
I. Idolatry is spiritual adultery. The fallen angel, the devil, lured our first parents away from God’s Word, love, and care to make themselves their own idols. Trusting Satan’s lie that we can be our own gods led our creation into bondage to corruption, sin, and death. From Adam we are all born spiritual narcissists. Curved inward. Trusting in what we feel, want, think, and desire.
Marriage, instituted before our enslavement in sin, is a calling freeing us from the prison of self to serve another. Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.Even after the fall into sin. It is the Lord God who unites husband and wife in the life long commitment of marriage. Jesus preaches, Mat 19:6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
Today is Life Sunday. Since 1973 the United States has upheld the slaughter of unborn babies. We exported the holocaust of abortion throughout our world in the name of progress. According to the WHO the leading cause of infant mortality in 2024 was abortion. An estimated 73 million unborn babies were sacrificed on the progressive altar of sexual freedom. Abortion still remains the leading cause of death in the United States. The data shows 67.1 million people dying last year from a cause other than abortion and 140 million people dying in total from abortion and all causes, that means abortions accounted for almost 52% of every death around the world last year. We stand on the graves of over 66 million infants ripped from or poisoned in the womb since 1973. Pregnancy isn’t a disease. Children a blessing from our Creator binding husbands and wives together as one raising their children to know Jesus.
We must fervently pray for the unborn and for women and men who are victims of the lies of our culture. Roe V. Wade was overturned and handed back to each state to decide. Sadly many states have broadened the slaughter of the unborn in the name of health care. The way of the Lie is a way of death. Satan hates the unborn, children, marriage, and the family. He works for the destruction of all. He is a murderer and liar from the beginning.
Repent! Return to God’s reconciling glory in Jesus of Nazareth! (Vs.12-13). The Lord threatened to cease walking with His Bride Israel. Moses pleads. The Lord knew him face to face. God’s grace alone is the way for us sinners. His grace - Jesus alone shoulders our sins. His grace alone Jesus is the Way back to our Father. For all who bear the burden of abortion - there is forgiveness for us murderers. Jesus took the place of Barabbas, a murderer on the cross. He takes my place and yours under God’s just wrath.
God’s glory shines forth in the darkness of Calvary! Jesus prays for you! “Father, forgive them!” He forgives you! Hear His promise! (Vs.14) Jesus echoes this promise into your ears today! Mat 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
II. Sin tears us away from our Creator the source of all life. Sin tears us apart from one another. It has become popular at weddings to use a verse from Ecclesiastes which ends: Ecc 4:12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Couples will even intertwine three chords as a reminder to keep Jesus at the center of their marriage.
How can we keep God’s reconciling glory at the center of our marriages, families, friendships, and congregation? (Vs.15-16) Moses pleads for God’s gracious Presence to shepherd them through the wilderness to the promised land. If the Lord God wouldn’t go with His people they would have no hope of survival. The Lord’s glory separated them from the world to be His own and to live under Him in His gracious Kingdom.
In the Gospel appointed for this Sunday, John records the first sign in which Jesus manifested His glory. The Creator God has come to dwell with us His creatures. A couple invite Jesus and His disciples to their wedding at Cana of Galilee. A crisis appears, as the week long marriage celebration will grind to a halt without wine - their staple drink. The mother of Jesus lays her petition before her Savior and her Son. Her last spoken words recorded in the New Testament are simply, “Do whatever He tells you!”(Jn 2:5). The servants obey and Jesus blesses the couple with the best at the last in their marriage.
“Do whatever He tells you!” where does Jesus promise to shine forth His reconciling glory upon you? (Vs.17) Here! Within His Bride the Church! He is present as two or three gather around His Word. He knows you by Name! He called you by name from eternity in His reconciling glory. He spoke your name rebirthing you in Holy Baptism. He knows your name. He knows all your sin. His glory is speaking you forgiven every Sunday here within His House. He seals the victory, the peace of Easter upon you as the Holy Spirit comforts you forgiving you all your sins! You have found grace in His sight! He knew Moses by name - He knows you by name for you have found grace in His sight. He lavishes His love upon you as His beloved Bride the Church. The lifelines of marital love flow from Jesus to you here every Sunday in His Church. If you are married make each Sunday a date where you and your bride are renewed in Jesus’ love - then live it daily in self-sacrifice for each other- reflect God’s reconciling glory in Jesus. God the Holy Spirit teaches to find God’s reconciling glory in Christ’s cross, Eph 5:31-33 "FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH." (32) This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (33) Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
III. God’s reconciling glory is hidden under the cross. Moses pleads (vs.18) He begs to see the Lord’s glory and he would, but not now! (Vs.19-23) God’s glory is found in His Name! We confess, ‘Our help is the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth!” God’s glory isn’t the world’s glory of power and riches. His glory is made perfect in weakness. His wisdom is foolishness to our fallen world and thinking.
Moses could not behold the face of God and live. The Lord, the Rock of Ages, would open a cleft in His side, there He would cover Moses with His nail scarred hand, passing by Moses would see His back side at this time in history. On the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah would see the very face of God -as they talked with Jesus about His upcoming exodus that He would accomplish in Jerusalem to reconcile us sinners and bring us Home to the everlasting Promised Land of the Life of the World to Come!
A Bridegroom blesses His Bride with His Name. This isn’t done to make her a slave or property, but as a promise that all her debts will be paid by Him, and that all His riches are now His! God’s reconciling glory places His Name upon you in His promise sealed with water in baptism. We begin in His Name. Then we end with Him placing His reconciling Name upon us. Listen! Num 6:22-27 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: (23) "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them: (24) "The LORD bless you and keep you; (25) The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; (26) The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." ' (27) "So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them."”
His Name is life - Life Eternal! You are His Bride! He invites you to His feast - His reconciling glory shines as His Word makes wine into His living blood - given and shed for you - His beloved Bride! Your sins are forgiven. Your past healed! Live happily ever after in His reconciling glory! Amen.
Sermon Text: Exodus 33:12-23
Sermon Theme: “God’s Reconciling Glory!” I. He Gives Us Rest! (Vs.12-14). II. He Knows Us By Name! (Vs.15-17). III. He Blesses Us With His Name!”(vs.18-23)
by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
We would expect the next line to be, “and they lived happily forever.” Unfortunately the bliss only lasted forty days. The bride lavished with the Bridegroom’s love and care lusted for another. She adulterated herself with another who would take her places she wanted to go. She broke her marriage vow prostituting herself to another.
The Bridegroom was angry and brokenhearted. He was ready to put her away, but His very nature is love. How could He go back on His Word? Do you know this Bridegroom and His unfaithful bride?
The bride is the children of Israel. The Bridegroom is Christ Jesus. The ancient Jewish rabbis viewed the Lord speaking to Israel at Mount Sinai as a marriage covenant. It was there the Lord God pledged His love to His Bride. Hearing His voice and His covenant preached by Moses they promised, Exo 24:7 ...., "All that the LORD has said we will do, and be obedient." All seemed well. The Lord calls Moses back into His presence on Sinai. History records, Exo 24:17-18 The sight of the glory of the LORD was like a consuming fire on the top of the mountain in the eyes of the children of Israel. (18) So Moses went into the midst of the cloud and went up into the mountain. And Moses was on the mountain forty days and forty nights.
While Moses is gone the people turn their hearts from God and His Word. They rally to have Aaron mold them a golden calf to worship and lead them back into slavery in Egypt. They break their vow to their Divine Bridegroom - forsaking Him they rush into idolatry and sexual sin calling it their contemporary worship. The Lord God was ready to destroy them all and begin again with Moses. Moses intercedes. He prays the Lord to spare them and blot his name out of the Book of Life. He pleads, “God’s Reconciling Glory!” I. He Gives Us Rest! (Vs.12-14). II. He Knows Us By Name! (Vs.15-17). III. He Blesses Us With His Name!”(vs.18-23)
I. Idolatry is spiritual adultery. The fallen angel, the devil, lured our first parents away from God’s Word, love, and care to make themselves their own idols. Trusting Satan’s lie that we can be our own gods led our creation into bondage to corruption, sin, and death. From Adam we are all born spiritual narcissists. Curved inward. Trusting in what we feel, want, think, and desire.
Marriage, instituted before our enslavement in sin, is a calling freeing us from the prison of self to serve another. Gen 2:24 Therefore a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.Even after the fall into sin. It is the Lord God who unites husband and wife in the life long commitment of marriage. Jesus preaches, Mat 19:6 So then, they are no longer two but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let not man separate."
Today is Life Sunday. Since 1973 the United States has upheld the slaughter of unborn babies. We exported the holocaust of abortion throughout our world in the name of progress. According to the WHO the leading cause of infant mortality in 2024 was abortion. An estimated 73 million unborn babies were sacrificed on the progressive altar of sexual freedom. Abortion still remains the leading cause of death in the United States. The data shows 67.1 million people dying last year from a cause other than abortion and 140 million people dying in total from abortion and all causes, that means abortions accounted for almost 52% of every death around the world last year. We stand on the graves of over 66 million infants ripped from or poisoned in the womb since 1973. Pregnancy isn’t a disease. Children a blessing from our Creator binding husbands and wives together as one raising their children to know Jesus.
We must fervently pray for the unborn and for women and men who are victims of the lies of our culture. Roe V. Wade was overturned and handed back to each state to decide. Sadly many states have broadened the slaughter of the unborn in the name of health care. The way of the Lie is a way of death. Satan hates the unborn, children, marriage, and the family. He works for the destruction of all. He is a murderer and liar from the beginning.
Repent! Return to God’s reconciling glory in Jesus of Nazareth! (Vs.12-13). The Lord threatened to cease walking with His Bride Israel. Moses pleads. The Lord knew him face to face. God’s grace alone is the way for us sinners. His grace - Jesus alone shoulders our sins. His grace alone Jesus is the Way back to our Father. For all who bear the burden of abortion - there is forgiveness for us murderers. Jesus took the place of Barabbas, a murderer on the cross. He takes my place and yours under God’s just wrath.
God’s glory shines forth in the darkness of Calvary! Jesus prays for you! “Father, forgive them!” He forgives you! Hear His promise! (Vs.14) Jesus echoes this promise into your ears today! Mat 11:28 Come to Me, all you who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.
II. Sin tears us away from our Creator the source of all life. Sin tears us apart from one another. It has become popular at weddings to use a verse from Ecclesiastes which ends: Ecc 4:12 Though one may be overpowered by another, two can withstand him. And a threefold cord is not quickly broken.” Couples will even intertwine three chords as a reminder to keep Jesus at the center of their marriage.
How can we keep God’s reconciling glory at the center of our marriages, families, friendships, and congregation? (Vs.15-16) Moses pleads for God’s gracious Presence to shepherd them through the wilderness to the promised land. If the Lord God wouldn’t go with His people they would have no hope of survival. The Lord’s glory separated them from the world to be His own and to live under Him in His gracious Kingdom.
In the Gospel appointed for this Sunday, John records the first sign in which Jesus manifested His glory. The Creator God has come to dwell with us His creatures. A couple invite Jesus and His disciples to their wedding at Cana of Galilee. A crisis appears, as the week long marriage celebration will grind to a halt without wine - their staple drink. The mother of Jesus lays her petition before her Savior and her Son. Her last spoken words recorded in the New Testament are simply, “Do whatever He tells you!”(Jn 2:5). The servants obey and Jesus blesses the couple with the best at the last in their marriage.
“Do whatever He tells you!” where does Jesus promise to shine forth His reconciling glory upon you? (Vs.17) Here! Within His Bride the Church! He is present as two or three gather around His Word. He knows you by Name! He called you by name from eternity in His reconciling glory. He spoke your name rebirthing you in Holy Baptism. He knows your name. He knows all your sin. His glory is speaking you forgiven every Sunday here within His House. He seals the victory, the peace of Easter upon you as the Holy Spirit comforts you forgiving you all your sins! You have found grace in His sight! He knew Moses by name - He knows you by name for you have found grace in His sight. He lavishes His love upon you as His beloved Bride the Church. The lifelines of marital love flow from Jesus to you here every Sunday in His Church. If you are married make each Sunday a date where you and your bride are renewed in Jesus’ love - then live it daily in self-sacrifice for each other- reflect God’s reconciling glory in Jesus. God the Holy Spirit teaches to find God’s reconciling glory in Christ’s cross, Eph 5:31-33 "FOR THIS REASON A MAN SHALL LEAVE HIS FATHER AND MOTHER AND BE JOINED TO HIS WIFE, AND THE TWO SHALL BECOME ONE FLESH." (32) This is a great mystery, but I speak concerning Christ and the church. (33) Nevertheless let each one of you in particular so love his own wife as himself, and let the wife see that she respects her husband.
III. God’s reconciling glory is hidden under the cross. Moses pleads (vs.18) He begs to see the Lord’s glory and he would, but not now! (Vs.19-23) God’s glory is found in His Name! We confess, ‘Our help is the Name of the Lord, Who made heaven and earth!” God’s glory isn’t the world’s glory of power and riches. His glory is made perfect in weakness. His wisdom is foolishness to our fallen world and thinking.
Moses could not behold the face of God and live. The Lord, the Rock of Ages, would open a cleft in His side, there He would cover Moses with His nail scarred hand, passing by Moses would see His back side at this time in history. On the Mount of Transfiguration Moses and Elijah would see the very face of God -as they talked with Jesus about His upcoming exodus that He would accomplish in Jerusalem to reconcile us sinners and bring us Home to the everlasting Promised Land of the Life of the World to Come!
A Bridegroom blesses His Bride with His Name. This isn’t done to make her a slave or property, but as a promise that all her debts will be paid by Him, and that all His riches are now His! God’s reconciling glory places His Name upon you in His promise sealed with water in baptism. We begin in His Name. Then we end with Him placing His reconciling Name upon us. Listen! Num 6:22-27 And the LORD spoke to Moses, saying: (23) "Speak to Aaron and his sons, saying, 'This is the way you shall bless the children of Israel. Say to them: (24) "The LORD bless you and keep you; (25) The LORD make His face shine upon you, And be gracious to you; (26) The LORD lift up His countenance upon you, And give you peace." ' (27) "So they shall put My name on the children of Israel, and I will bless them."”
His Name is life - Life Eternal! You are His Bride! He invites you to His feast - His reconciling glory shines as His Word makes wine into His living blood - given and shed for you - His beloved Bride! Your sins are forgiven. Your past healed! Live happily ever after in His reconciling glory! Amen.
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