Series: Epiphany Old Testament Sermons
January 12, 2025
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
The First Sunday After The Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord) 12-January-2025 Sermon Text: Isaiah 42:1-7 Sermon Theme: “God’s Healing Servant! I. He Works Forgiveness Of Sins For You.(vs.1-4) II. He Rescues You From Death and the Devil.(vs.5-7) III. He Gives Eternal Salvation To All Who Believe in Him!(vs.1a,6) by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
Episode Notes
The First Sunday After The Epiphany (The Baptism of Our Lord) 12-January-2025
Sermon Text: Isaiah 42:1-7
Sermon Theme: “God’s Healing Servant!
I. He Works Forgiveness Of Sins For You.(vs.1-4)
II. He Rescues You From Death and the Devil.(vs.5-7)
III. He Gives Eternal Salvation To All Who Believe in Him!(vs.1a,6) by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert
I.N.R.I. How’s the “new you” doing? A new year we promise ourselves to loose 10 pounds, have a dry January, spend less time on screens, walk two miles a day. Product promise us we can be “new and improved” if we buy and use them. Morning news shows review products to help us loose weight, reduce wrinkles, rejuvenate puffy eyes, revitalize our vim, vigor, and vitality. Doctors promise improved lives if we follow their diets, exercise regiments, or purchase their products. Promises to make us new again sell. A Doctor in the 1500's, wrote,”Suppose there were a physician who had so much skill that people would not die, or even though they died would be restored to life and live eternally. Just think how the world would snow and rain money upon such a person! Because of the throng of rich people crowding around, no one else would be able to get near.”
Ponce De Leon was about ten years older than Dr. Martin Luther. About the same time that the Holy Spirit was opening Luther’s eyes to the Gospel, Ponce De Leon was searching Florida for the fountain of youth. He wished to undo the effects of aging. He never discovered the fountain of youth - Luther did! It wasn’t found in Florida - it is here in the sanctuary of every Christian congregation. A fount that renews us and fills us with new life daily. Luther writes, “ Now, here in baptism there is brought, free of charge, to every person’s door just such a treasure and medicine that swallows up death and keeps all people alive.”
Wake up! Hold of the blessings that baptism imparts! Rejoice to begin each morning “In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” trace the sign of victory on your flesh - the holy cross. God’s Words spoke us new again as infants born again in baptismal water. God’s Words speak us new again every morning. They reclaim us - God’s beloved, redeemed, and sanctified children. Renewed in our daily vocations rejoicing to lovingly serve our neighbor. God’s Words speak comfort as we lay down to sleep at night. Like a blanket they wrap us in the Father’s unfailing love, in Christ’s perfect life, in the Holy Spirit’s comforting work. Falling asleep rejoicing and renewed resting under the protection of the Lord’s Holy angels.
Why make so little of our baptism? Because like the leaders of the radical reformation in Luther’s day, we take our eyes off of the One who stands in the waters of the Jordan this day. The Anabaptist rejected infant baptism, because they wanted to make baptism man’s work and decision, not the saving work of the Triune God. Sadly we become their disciples imagining that baptism is a past act and now it is up to us to set things right by our decisions, promises, and power.
Everyday listen to the voice of John the Baptizer calling,“Repent!” Turn from your sinful reason despising the sacrament of holy baptism. Listen to the voice of the prophet Isaiah, echoing by John lifting his finger pointing only to Jesus, confessing, “(John 1:29) ""Behold! The Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!" Look only to Jesus! He stands in the Jordan to fulfill all righteousness for sinners! Behold! “God’s Healing Servant!”I. He Works Forgiveness Of Sins For You.(vs.1-4)
II. He Rescues You From Death and the Devil.(vs.5-7)
III. He Gives Eternal Salvation To All Who Believe in Him!(vs.1a,6)
I. Baptism works! The nation of Judah forsook the Lord God. The prophet Isaiah preaches God’s just judgement of their sin for 39 chapters. Their nation would be defeated and exiled. Forsaking the One and Only True God they despised His means of grace in the Temple. God’s nation crushing wrath is all they deserved, the Law was preached in its severity. In the 40th chapter the Lord’s words of comfort to the faithful remnant of Judah are sung. Her warfare would end, her iniquity would be pardoned, not because she would suffer in the Babylonian captivity, but because her Redeemer was coming. The Lord’s Servant would pay her bill twice over. The Lord God sings of Jesus through Isaiah, (vs. 1). “Behold” “Look” “See” your salvation. The fallen angel Satan’s lie is that we can find a “new and improved” way back to God. Our flesh loves the lie it saves itself by it’s doing, promises, powers, and thinking. From the day we rebelled in Adam - Salvation is only found in the Suffering Servant - Jesus Christ. Jesus steps into the Jordan. John is shocked. The One whose shoe lace he wasn’t worthy to untie. The One who is the Eternal God in human flesh - comes to John to be baptized. John tries to stop Him saying, "I need to be baptized by You, and are You coming to me?" Jesus, now 30 years old, tells him, "Permit it to be so now, for thus it is fitting for us to fulfill all righteousness." Jesus steps into the waters of your baptism that heaven may break loose for you! God the Holy Spirit descends on the flesh of Jesus in the form of a dove. God the Father’s soul delights in our soul and body Brother! “This is My beloved Son, in Whom I am well pleased!”
Innocent Jesus steps into the cesspool - the sewage of our sins in the waters of the Jordan - to be numbered with us transgressors - to stand with us sinners. He alone must fulfill all righteousness for us. We are conceived in iniquity, brought forth in sin, He is the perfect innocent Man. He will bring us justice by His sacrifice! Jesus by His life, death and resurrection reconcile us who were not a people of God to our Father! This is why Matthew’s Gospel begins Jesus’ public ministry with baptism and concludes the Gospel with our Lord’s command to make disciples of “all nations” through baptism - His ongoing ministry in our world.
What is the justice brought us Gentiles? (Vs.2-4) It is Christ’s humble service in our place. He is the Word made flesh who comes gently, not crying out but led as a sheep to the slaughter for our sins. Later Isaiah would explain this saying, (Isa 53:4-7) "Surely He has borne our griefs And carried our sorrows; Yet we esteemed Him stricken, Smitten by God, and afflicted. {5} But He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; The chastisement for our peace was upon Him, And by His stripes we are healed. {6} All we like sheep have gone astray; We have turned, every one, to his own way; And the LORD has laid on Him the iniquity of us all. {7} He was oppressed and He was afflicted, Yet He opened not His mouth; He was led as a lamb to the slaughter, And as a sheep before its shearers is silent, So He opened not His mouth."
Jesus steps into the waters of the Jordan seeping your sins into the very pores of His innocent flesh! He carries our burden and stench in His flesh and blood. He feels the burning pain, the hurts they cause, the loneliness they bring you. He carries them all silently for you. This is His work for you, not yours for Him.
He has compassion on us real broken sinners like a bruised reeds, nearly snuffed out by your iniquity. Instead of crushing you, He speaks you forgiven. “Son, daughter, be of good cheer, your sins are forgiven you.” I pay your debt in full! It is finished! Jesus alone works your forgiveness upon His cross bringing forth justice for truth! His baptism sets His face towards Jerusalem and His crucifixion that will be accomplished three years later. John the Baptizer knew Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, your sins and mine, through baptismal water. John testifies, (John 1:30-34) ""This is He of whom I said, 'After me comes a Man who is preferred before me, for He was before me.' {31} "I did not know Him; but that He should be revealed to Israel, therefore I came baptizing with water." {32} And John bore witness, saying, "I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and He remained upon Him. {33} "I did not know Him, but He who sent me to baptize with water said to me, 'Upon whom you see the Spirit descending, and remaining on Him, this is He who baptizes with the Holy Spirit.' {34} "And I have seen and testified that this is the Son of God.""
II. Immediately after Jesus is baptized God the Holy Spirit led Him into the wilderness to battle our arch enemy - the devil and his demonic host. If you were the devil why would you want people to believe in the myth of evolution? Fools say in their hearts there is “no God.” In this foolishness you could lead them in great fear that there is no God and Father who created and cares for creation. You could lead in despair and slavery as they followed lies promising to save the climate. Convincing them that there is no devil, no evil, they could be their own gods, doing whatever made them feel good - chaining them with various vices. You could have them fall down and worship you in the guise of many false religions as you convinced them that it is all up to you to pick and choose a god to your liking.
Wake up! Repent! Baptism calls us to the truth of Creation. God the Father calls forth everything through God the Son - the Word - and God the Holy Spirit hoovers over the face of the waters - the Lord and giver of Life. (Vs.5-7). Salvation, baptism, is the Triune God’s work alone!
Satan tried to take captive and destroy this creation through Adam’s sin. Jesus steps into the Jordan reversing it all, making all who are baptized in Him a new creation - old things will pass away, they will become new. No longer will Satan bind with accusations, or chain with sins, or blind with flesh pleasing lies. Now our Champion crushes Satan’s serpentine head as He lives a perfect life in our place. Jesus will suffer our punishment to heal us by His stripes. Satan who accused us day and night will loose all right as we overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and the Word of the Gospel testimony. Now truth shines forth from the Jordan. Our eyes are opened, we are freed from death and the devil for our Jesus has recreated us as citizens of heaven. The bodily resurrection of Jesus proclaims Him the very Son of God - our Rescuer!
III. Baptism is God’s gift - eternal salvation to all who look only to Christ Jesus in His Word! (Vs1a, 6-7). Behold! Look to Jesus. Daily and richly He makes you a new creation. God the Holy Spirit breathes you forgiven! God the Father calls you His own beloved child! He is well pleased in you for you are clothed with Christ. Heaven is opened through the covenant of Christ’s Holy Body and blood given and shed for you. He invites you to His House to feast! Rejoice all things are yours in Christ Jesus. Dr. Luther wrote,”Thus, we must regard baptism and put it to use in such a way that we may draw strength and comfort from it when our sins or conscience oppress us, and say: “But I am baptized! And if I have been baptized, I have the promise that I shall be saved and have eternal life, both in soul and body.” This is the reason why these two things are done in baptism; the body has water poured over it, because all it can receive is the water, and in addition the Word is spoken so that the soul may receive it. Because the water and the Word together constitute one baptism, both body and soul shall be saved and live forever: the soul through the Word in which it believes, the body because it is united with the soul and apprehends baptism in the only way it can. No greater jewel, therefore, can adorn our body and soul than baptism, for through it we become completely holy and blessed, which no other kind of life and no work on earth can acquire.” Amen.
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