Citizens of Heaven Living On Earth! 1 Peter 2:11-20

April 25, 2021
Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

"The world against me rages, Its fury I disdain; Though bitter war it wages, Its work is all in vain. My heart from care is free, No trouble troubles me. Misfortune now is play, And night is bright as day." Rev. Paul Gerhardt (1607-76) , a Lutheran theologian "sifted in Satan's sieve," teaches us to sing under the cross. Jubilate calls us to "shout for joy to God" during the "little while" of this present evil age - for Christ has triumphed for us, risen for us, ascended for us, rules for us, and is coming again for us soon! Culture cannot "cancel" Jesus for He is The Truth! Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2:11-20. Sermon Theme: "Citizens of Heaven Living On Earth!" Preached for Jubilate, the Fourth Sunday of Easter, 25-April-2021, at Emmanuel Lutheran Church, Tell City, Indiana by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert.

Episode Notes

Jubilate, The Fourth Sunday Of Easter                         25-April-2021
Sermon Text: 1 Peter 2: 11-20
Sermon Theme: Citizens of Heaven Living Still On Earth! by Rev. Nathan J. Rusert

I.N.R.I. “Alleluia! The Lord is Risen!” Psa 66:1-2 “Shout for joy to God, all the earth;  (2) sing the glory of his name; give to him glorious praise!” Jubilate! “Shout for joy to God!” As we echoed in the Psalm appointed for this Sunday: Psa 147:1-2 “Praise the LORD! For it is good to sing praises to our God; for it is pleasant, and a song of praise is fitting.  (2) The LORD builds up Jerusalem; he gathers the outcasts of Israel.” Last Sunday we rejoiced in the goodness of our crucified and risen Shepherd - Christ Jesus. Today our living Lord Jesus preaches comfort to us while we live in the “little while” of earth’s history. The world cowers in fear of what the future may bring. Will pandemics increase? Will man destroy the environment with gas necessary for life - carbon dioxide? Will dictatorships rise? Culture cancel the speaking of the Truth? Will nations disarm and enslave their once free citizens? For over a year our world has been ginned up on a constant drone of fear.  
    Today Jesus calls us to stop living in fear. Trust in Him. He went away from the disciples for a little while. He was betrayed, arrested without cause, beaten, unjustly condemned, and after standing three trials where it was proved that He was innocent - handed over to suffer and die the horrible execution of crucifixion. For a little while - the apostles saw their Lord lay down His life and His body laid in a tomb - they mourned - the world and Satan shouted for joy! The devil was certain he had triumphed over the Son of God. The little while of his victory celebration was shattered. A little while passed - the victorious God-Man Christ Jesus breached hell’s gates marching triumphantly preaching His victory over Satan and all his demon horde. A little while - the third day our Lord Jesus shattered death’s power and forever robbed the grave of its sting physically rising as the first fruits of the resurrection. He our Head has risen and we His body shall follow forth from our graves. Now we live in a “little while” our Lord Jesus forty days after His resurrection physically ascends to the right hand of God filling all things now as God and Man. He rules over history for the sake of the Gospel. He is present with His Bride the Church breathing forth His life giving Holy Spirit in the forgiveness of our sins. Poured, proclaimed, preached, and fed us at His Table. He is preparing our place in our Father’s Home and shall come again soon to receive us unto Himself. We live in this little while - between Jesus’ ascension and His physical return to judge the living and the dead. That Day when life shall break upon creation and we will see Christ Jesus face to face and be filled with everlasting joy.
      Even now we shout for joy to God! By His gracious election and foreknowledge in Christ Jesus He has birthed us again in holy baptism declaring us: “Citizens of Heaven Living Still On Earth!”
        The children of Judah were certain that God had forgotten them and passed over their just claim. They were exiles in Babylon. Their nation had forsaken the Lord God and His Word. They destroyed themselves by rejecting the Truth. Nations who reject the Truth of God and His Word self-destruct. The Lord God preaches through the prophet Isaiah to remind His Church that He hadn’t forgotten them - He knew them by name and would fulfill His Word and promise - He would bring them back to Judah - that the Messiah might be born, grow up, suffer, die, and three days later rise again - to bring sinners Home to Himself in the Kingdom of Heaven.
        St. Peter writes to Christians scattered throughout the Roman empire. Soon they would be tempted and tried to think God had forgotten them. Emperor Nero would dip some in tar and burn them as living torches for his garden parties. Others he would thrown to the lions, drive from their homes, torture to deny the truth. In short cancel culture isn’t new - it has been a tool of Satan from the day of his rebellion.
          What should we do as Christians? Demonstrate! But not as the world riots - demonstrate our true citizenship: (1 Peter 2:11-12). “Shout for joy to God!” We are the beloved children of our heavenly Father in Christ Jesus. We are pilgrims, sojourners - travelers through this world. Christians - demonstrate! Demonstrate that you are aliens in this world! Like travelers staying at a hotel realize this world isn’t your home. Your life is not to be conformed to the world’s values and standards. Your life is transformed by the Word of God and conformed to the image of Christ.
        Demonstrate - Christianity isn’t following your feelings - your sinful lusts which war against your soul - against the Holy Spirit who has made your bodies His temple cleansed with the blood of Christ. Demonstrate love - live the Ten Commandments in your daily walk. Fear, love, and trust only in God your Father, Jesus your Lord, and the Holy Spirit your Comforter. Pray. Pray for those who persecute and laugh at you for believing in Christ Jesus. Pray - throw all your worries on God the Father for He worries for you. Hear His voice within His Church strengthening you in cross won empty tomb certified forgiveness of all your sins in His Word spoken and visible.
        Live your faith in loving service to your neighbor. Respect your parents in your home and authorities in public. Protect human life from the moment of conception to natural death. Guard the gift of human sexuality reserving it only for the bounds of God established marriage. - The world - the Gentiles will call you evil doers for living in this way, but they will on judgment day glorify God for the good works He accomplished through you. They will see that Christians don’t live in fear, but in faith and love - and may want to know the hope that is in you.
      Christians demonstrate! Demonstrate fear, love, and trust in Christ’s rule in the kingdom of the left - civil authority: (1 Peter 2:13-14) “Shout for joy to God!” Civil government is established by the Lord God from the days of Adam’s rebellion to keep order in this world. Civil government has no jurisdiction in the life of the world to come. Government is to rule by law and punish those who violate natural law and reward those who obey it by keeping peace and quietness.   Demonstrate your trust in Christ’s victory and rule by submitting yourself to government law. It is done for the Lord’s sake. Government can order outward actions, but it has no rule over conscience and the heart. If government seeks to silence our confession that Jesus is the Christ - we must stand with St. Peter and say, “We must obey God rather than man.” (Acts 5:29)
      Christians demonstrate! Demonstrate Christ Jesus towards governmental authority. 1Ti 2:1-2 Therefore I exhort first of all that supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks be made for all men, (2) for kings and all who are in authority, that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and reverence.” Pray for those in authority. For godly wisdom, to uphold the rule of law. Intercede for those who are baptized into Christ that they repent and return to the faith and live it by upholding natural law in their governing. Give thanks for all in authority - for they are the hands of God to keep order for “a little while” until Christ Jesus returns and the final court is seated.
      Christians demonstrate!“Shout for joy to God!” Demonstrate your trust in God the Father’s good and gracious will done in this world no matter how the devil, the world, and your own sinful flesh rebel against His Word, Rule, and Holy Spirit’s ongoing activity here and now. (1 Peter 2:15-16) “A Christian man is the most free lord of all, and subject to none; a Christian man is the most dutiful servant of all, and subject to every one.” 501 years ago, Dr. Martin Luther made this statement at the beginning of his work titled, “On Christian Liberty.” Christ Jesus had done all, accomplished all, and continues to work all for our salvation. By faith in Jesus we are free - forgiven, reconciled - no man has rule over our conscience for the blood of Christ cleanses us from all our sins. By faith in Christ Jesus our Lord we are the most free lord of all - children of God and citizens of heaven. But we live now in this “little while” in this world. God doesn’t need our works of love - our neighbor does - so a Christian sanctified by the Holy Spirit pours himself out in love to serve his neighbor. He freely humbles himself to serve even his enemies -for this is the heart and mind of Christ which lives in us. We are doulos - slaves of righteousness - bond-servants of God. This grates the ears of our sinful old adam - we want to be in charge - call the shots - we don’t want to be slaves to anyone. The truth that Jesus preaches is that either you are a slaves of righteousness or your enslaved to Satan and death. “John 8:34-36 Jesus answered them, "Most assuredly, I say to you, whoever commits sin is a slave of sin. (35) And a slave does not abide in the house forever, but a son abides forever. (36) Therefore if the Son makes you free, you shall be free indeed.” How does a bond servant of God freed by the blood of the Son act? (1 Peter 2:17)“Shout for joy to God!” Demonstrate God’s love for all humanity. He died for all sinners - honor all people as created by God the Father, redeemed by God the Son, speak to them the good news of free and full forgiveness in Jesus that the Holy Spirit might call them. Love the brotherhood - show mercy and care for your fellow Christians within your congregation. Explain all they do and say in the kindest way possible. Forgive and be forgiven by them. Love one another - and humbly listen when they admonish you and speak to them in love always seeking reconciliation. Fear God above all - trust His rule and commandments. Honor those in authority for they are put in rule by God alone. Dr. Luther wrote, “Here is the truly Christian life, here is faith really working by love, when a man applies himself with joy and love to the works of that freest servitude in which he serves others voluntarily and for nought, himself abundantly satisfied in the fullness and riches of his own faith.”
    Christians demonstrate! Demonstrate humility in your daily calling. (1 Peter 2:18). “Shout for joy to God!” Live your faith in your daily calling, not for a paycheck, but to be the hands of God caring, providing, and protecting your neighbor’s body, life, marriage, property, and honor.  
      Christians demonstrate! Demonstrate HOPE! (1 Peter 2:19-20) “Shout for joy to God!” For conscience sake you may suffer wrongfully. A Christian doctor or nurse may be fired for not performing abortions. A Christian teacher, or professor might be cancelled for confessing that they believe God created this world in six 24 hour days less than 10,000 years ago. A Christian teenager might be mocked and left out for upholding the dignity of humanity and the sacredness of the gift of sex for marriage alone. So be it - it is only a little while - our Jesus has over come the world. We will suffer and take it patiently for He patiently suffered and died for us. He lives! He rules this world! The Truth of His Word cannot be broken!
        Christians demonstrate! Shout for joy in the Lord! Alleluia! Christ is risen!” Amen.

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