The Levite and his Concubine

Series: Judges: In a Land With No King

June 23, 2024
David Hood

Welcome to Southeast City Church! We're glad you're here. This past Sunday we continued in the strange, dark, and violent book of Judges, looking at the most disturbing story in Judges if not the whole Bible- a woman is raped and killed and the response of the tribe is to protect the men who did it. Sadly, this thousands-of-years-old story is not without many modern equivalents. This ancient story feels as timely and relevant as ever. What does God have to say? **NOTE This teaching contains descriptions and discussion of sexual violence and rape. We hope this teaching helps you wherever you are on your spiritual journey. To learn more about our church, explore Jesus and Christianity, connect with us, or give to what God is doing through us in the city of Ottawa, go to

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