I AM the True Vine

Series: Who Does Jesus Say That He Is- The 7 'I AM's' in John

September 18, 2024
David Hood

Welcome to Southeast City Church! We're glad you're here. This past Sunday we continued in our series Who Does Jesus Say That He Is looking at the 7 I AM statements of Jesus in the Gospel of John. This week, Jesus identifies Himself as the True Vine, as the One we have to draw our life from for real, true, deep, lasting transformation. This is one of Jesus' most beautiful and important teachings, and if we actually get it, it is life-altering and leads to love, joy, peace, and hope. If we don't get it, it leads to anxiety, drivenness, and despair. We hope this teaching helps you wherever you are on your spiritual journey. To learn more about our church, explore Jesus and Christianity, connect with us, or give to what God is doing through us in the city of Ottawa, go to southeastcitychurch.ca

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