Passive Righteousness reveals Gods love towards sinners
Series: Book of Romans
July 29, 2024
Besweri Walujjo
Lessons from Romans 10. 1. Passive righteousness comes from Jesus Christ as a gift 2. Jesus obeyed the law on your behalf in order that you may receive righteousness that is based on faith not works. You did not work hard enough to be saved 3. Jesus became a curse for you who failed to fulfill the law. 4. Even though people may reject the gospel, you have been commissioned by our Jesus Christ to share it. The purpose of mission is to bring people to come to worship Jesus not man. 5. There is no excuse to reject the gospel, it has been revealed to all people including you. 6. You have been adopted to the family of God through faith in Jesus. 7. You need to pray for yourself to be a missionary every day to your community, for you to be part of the life of the church as it sends out missionaries in and out of the usual life style. 8. Pray for our church to be a missionary supporting, receiving, and, sending church.
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