While You are Waiting, God is Working

Series: Sunday Sermons

July 21, 2024
Apostle Charles C Jones

Phil 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ.

Episode Notes

When God starts a work in us, He's not just touching up the surface; He's digging deep, breaking old patterns, and rebuilding us from the ground up. It's a work that:

- Breaks chains of bondage

- Shatters limited beliefs

- Heals deep wounds

- Restores hope

- Renews minds

- Transforms hearts

This good work is not a quick fix but a gradual, intentional process. It's a work that requires surrender, trust, and cooperation from us. And as we yield to God's hands, He shapes us into a masterpiece, a new creation, with a new identity, purpose, and destiny.

Content Copyright Belongs to Shekinah Glory Family Worship Center