Facing your Giants

Series: Count the Cost.

July 03, 2019
Apostle Eddie Chaney

So how do we deal with giants? We find the answer in the Old Testament account of David and Goliath. Most of us are familiar with the story. What a victory it was as David boldly defeated the giant Goliath, armed only with a slingshot and five smooth stones. The will of the Philistines was broken. The Israelites were reinvigorated. And it was all because a little shepherd boy answered the call of God and cut down the giant. So what can we learn from this story about facing off with our own giants in life?

Episode Notes

By earthly standards, David was woefully unprepared to engage Goliath. The Bible says Goliath was over nine feet tall and covered in more than 125 pounds of armor. Not exactly a fair fight — unless the Lord is on your side!

Content Copyright Belongs to Sons Of Thunder OneTouch Outreach Ministry