The Good Shepherd

Series: The Gospel of John

January 27, 2025
Pastor Mike

This lesson explores Jesus' self-description as the Good Shepherd in John 10, emphasizing His role as protector, guide, and sacrificial savior for His followers. It contrasts Jesus' genuine care for His flock with false leaders who exploit or neglect their charges. The lesson highlights the intimate relationship between Christ and believers, the abundant life He offers, and His ultimate sacrifice for humanity's salvation.

Episode Notes

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the lesson

Day 1: The Good Shepherd's Voice
Reading: John 10:1-6

Devotional: In a world filled with noise and conflicting voices, Jesus calls us to recognize and follow His voice. Just as sheep know their shepherd's call, we are invited to tune our hearts to the gentle yet authoritative voice of Christ. Today, reflect on how you can better discern God's voice in your life.
 Are there distractions or "false shepherds" that might be drowning out His guidance? Take time to quiet your mind and listen for His leading. Remember, the Good Shepherd knows you by name and desires to lead you to green pastures and still waters.
Practice listening for His voice in prayer, Scripture, and the gentle promptings of the Holy Spirit.

Day 2: Entering through the Door
Reading: John 10:7-10

Devotional: Jesus declares Himself as the door through which we find salvation and abundant life. This imagery reminds us that there is only one way to true fulfillment and eternal security - through Christ. Today, consider the areas of your life where you might be seeking fulfillment or security apart from Jesus.
Are you relying on your own strength, worldly success, or temporary pleasures? Reflect on what it means to fully enter through Christ, the Door. How can you more fully embrace the abundant life He offers?
Remember, this abundance isn't just material prosperity, but a richness of purpose, peace, and joy that can only come from a deep relationship with the Shepherd.

Day 3: The Shepherd's Sacrifice
Reading: John 10:11-15

Devotional: The depth of God's love is revealed in the willingness of the Good Shepherd to lay down His life for the sheep. This sacrificial love stands in stark contrast to the self-preservation of hired hands.
Today, meditate on the personal nature of Christ's sacrifice for you. How does knowing that the Creator of the universe values you enough to die for you impact your self-worth and daily choices?
Consider ways you can reflect this sacrificial love to others in your life. Are there relationships or situations where you're called to put others before yourself, even at a cost?
 Ask God for the strength and courage to love as He loves.

Day 4: One Flock, One Shepherd
Reading: John 10:16-18

Devotional: Jesus speaks of bringing together sheep from different folds, pointing to the unity and inclusivity of God's kingdom. This reminds us that Christ's sacrifice is for all people, breaking down barriers that divide us.
Reflect today on how you view those who are different from you - in culture, background, or belief. Are there prejudices or biases you need to confront?
Ask God to give you His heart for all people and to show you practical ways to build bridges and promote unity in your community and church.
Remember, we are all one flock under one Shepherd, equally loved and valued by Him.

Day 5: Divided Reactions, Unwavering Truth
Reading: John 10:19-21

Devotional: The truth of Jesus often causes division, as some embrace Him while others reject Him. Even today, the claims of Christ can be polarizing. Reflect on your own journey of faith - have there been times when following Jesus has led to conflict or misunderstanding with others?
How do you navigate sharing your faith in a world that may be hostile to it? Remember that while we can't control others' reactions, we can control our own faithfulness and the love with which we present the truth. Pray for wisdom to stand firm in your convictions while also showing Christ's love to those who may disagree.
Ask God to use your life as a testimony that, like the healing of the blind man, points to the transformative power of Jesus.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC