The Cry of Salvation

Series: The Gospel of John

March 04, 2025
Pastor Mike

This episode explores Jesus' triumphal entry into Jerusalem, focusing on the contrast between the crowd's expectations of a political liberator and Jesus' true mission of eternal salvation. It highlights the misunderstanding of Jesus' role by both the crowd and his disciples, the growing opposition from religious leaders, and the transformative power of Jesus' actions, particularly the raising of Lazarus. The episode emphasizes the importance of trusting in God's plan even when we don't fully understand it, and how Jesus' humble entry fulfills prophecy while challenging earthly notions of kingship.

Episode Notes

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the Episode

Day 1: The King's Humble Entry
Reading: John 12:12-19, Zechariah 9:9

Devotional: As Jesus enters Jerusalem on a donkey, we see a powerful contrast between worldly expectations and divine reality. The crowd welcomes Him with shouts of "Hosanna!" and palm branches, symbols of nationalist hope, yet Jesus arrives in humility.
This reminds us that God's ways often defy our expectations.

Reflect on areas in your life where you might be imposing your own expectations on God. How can you cultivate a heart that is open to God's unexpected workings? Consider how Jesus' humility challenges our own desire for recognition or power. Today, practice intentional humility in your interactions with others, remembering that true greatness in God's kingdom often comes through servanthood.

Day 2: Misunderstood Messiah
Reading: Luke 19:41-44, Isaiah 55:8-9

Devotional: Despite the joyous welcome, Jesus weeps over Jerusalem, knowing they've misunderstood His mission. The people longed for political liberation, but Jesus came to offer spiritual freedom and eternal salvation. This disconnect between human desires and divine purpose is a recurring theme in our walk with God.

Consider times when you've misunderstood God's work in your life. How has your perspective changed over time? Pray for discernment to see beyond your immediate circumstances and trust in God's greater plan. Challenge yourself to look at a current struggle through the lens of eternal perspective. How might God be working in ways you can't yet see?

Day 3: The Transforming Testimony
Reading: John 12:17-19, Acts 4:13-20

Devotional: The crowd that witnessed Lazarus' resurrection continued to testify about Jesus, drawing more people to Him. Their transformed lives and bold witness frustrated the religious leaders but furthered God's plan. Our encounters with Jesus should similarly transform us into living testimonies of His power and love.

Reflect on your own testimony. How has encountering Jesus changed your life? Consider sharing your story with someone today, focusing on the transforming power of Christ. Pray for opportunities to be a bold witness in your daily interactions, allowing your life to draw others to Jesus just as the crowd did in Jerusalem.

Day 4: Delayed Understanding
Reading: John 12:16, Luke 24:13-35

Devotional: The disciples didn't fully understand the significance of Jesus' actions until after His glorification. This reminds us that faith often involves trusting God even when we don't have complete understanding. God's work in our lives may only become clear in retrospect.

Think about a time when you didn't understand God's purpose in a situation, but later saw His wisdom. How did this experience strengthen your faith? Practice patience and trust in your current circumstances, knowing that God is working even when we can't see it. Journal about an area of uncertainty in your life, offering it to God and asking for the faith to trust His timing and purpose.

Day 5: The World Gone After Him
Reading: John 12:19, Revelation 7:9-10

Devotional: The Pharisees' lament that "the world has gone after him" ironically points to Jesus' ultimate mission – to draw all people to Himself. Despite opposition and misunderstanding, God's plan of salvation moves forward, encompassing people from every nation, tribe, and tongue.

Meditate on the global scope of God's redemptive work. How does this expand your vision of God's kingdom? Pray for unreached people groups and for Christians facing persecution worldwide. Consider how you can participate in God's mission, whether through prayer, giving, or going. Let the promise of God's diverse, eternal kingdom inspire hope and purpose in your daily walk with Christ.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC