John 1:35-51

Series: The Gospel of John

September 09, 2024
Pastor Mike

"Come and see." - Jesus These simple words changed lives 2000 years ago, and they're still transforming hearts today. John's Gospel shows us that true discipleship isn't just about believing - it's about bringing others to Jesus. Like Andrew and Philip, we're called to invite those around us to experience Christ's love firsthand. Remember: • Faith isn't a lifestyle choice, it's life-changing • God's ways are higher than ours - trust His plan • Encountering Jesus leads to bold declarations of faith Are you ready to "come and see" what Jesus can do in your life? And who will you invite along on the journey? #Faith #Discipleship #JesusTransforms #ComeAndSee #GospelOfJohn

Episode Notes

Here's a 5-day Bible reading plan and devotional guide based on the themes from todays lesson

Day 1: Recognizing the Lamb of God Reading: John 1:35-42

Devotional: John the Baptist's declaration, "Behold, the Lamb of God," reminds us of God's ultimate love and sacrifice. Just as John directed his disciples to follow Jesus, we too are called to recognize Christ in our lives. Reflect on how you first encountered Jesus. Was it through a friend, like Andrew bringing Peter? Or perhaps through a moment of divine revelation?

Consider today how you can be like Andrew, bringing others to Christ. Remember, evangelism isn't about grand gestures, but simple invitations: "Come and see." How can you extend this invitation to someone in your life today?

Prayer: Lord, open my eyes to see You as the Lamb of God. Give me the courage and opportunity to invite others to know You. Amen.

Day 2: The Transformative Power of Christ Reading: John 1:43-51

Devotional: Jesus' interaction with Nathanael demonstrates His divine knowledge and transformative power. Despite initial skepticism, Nathanael's encounter with Jesus led to a profound declaration of faith. This reminds us that Christ meets us where we are, even in our doubts.

Reflect on your own journey of faith. Have there been moments where you, like Nathanael, were skeptical? How did God reveal Himself to you in those times? Remember, Jesus promises us that we will "see greater things than these." What greater things are you hoping to see in your walk with Christ?

Prayer: Jesus, help me to trust You even in my moments of doubt. Open my eyes to see the greater things You have in store. Amen.

Day 3: Following Christ Wholeheartedly Reading: Luke 9:23-26

Devotional: The sermon emphasized that following Christ is not just a lifestyle choice, but a life-transforming commitment. Jesus calls us to deny ourselves and take up our cross daily. This means surrendering our ways to God's ways, making Him not just a co-pilot, but the pilot of our lives.

Consider areas in your life where you might be holding back from full surrender to God. What fears or attachments are keeping you from following Christ wholeheartedly? Remember, God's understanding and plans for us are higher than our own. How can you practically demonstrate your trust in His guidance today?

Prayer: Father, I surrender my life to You. Help me to deny myself daily and follow You wholeheartedly. Amen.

Day 4: Knowing God, Not Just About God Reading: John 17:3, Philippians 3:7-11

Devotional: The sermon pointed out the danger of a "form of piety devoid of theology" – knowing about God without truly knowing Him. Jesus defines eternal life as knowing God and Himself. This knowledge isn't merely intellectual, but relational and transformative.

Reflect on your relationship with God. Are you pursuing knowledge about Him, or intimacy with Him? Consider Paul's words in Philippians – he counted everything as loss compared to the surpassing worth of knowing Christ. What might you need to "count as loss" to deepen your relationship with Jesus?

Prayer: Lord, I want to know You, not just know about You. Draw me into deeper intimacy with You. Amen.

Day 5: Bearing Witness to Christ Reading: Acts 1:8, Matthew 5:14-16

Devotional: The sermon highlighted how the disciples, upon encountering Jesus, were compelled to share their experience with others. We are called to be witnesses, bearing testimony to what we have seen and experienced of Christ.

Think about your own testimony. What has Jesus done in your life that you can share with others? Remember, being a light doesn't always mean grand gestures. Sometimes it's in the small acts of kindness, integrity, and love that we bear witness to Christ. How can you let your light shine today in a way that glorifies God?

Prayer: Holy Spirit, empower me to be Your witness. Help me to shine Your light in the world around me. Amen.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC