
Series: The Gospel of John

August 20, 2024
Pastor Mike

A study of John the Baptist as the "Fore-Runner" to the appearance of the Messiah to the Jews and Saviour of the world, Jesus Christ

Episode Notes

John 1:6-13 - The Light and the Witness

Key Takeaways:
1. John the Baptist's role was to be a witness to Jesus, the true light.
2. The world often rejects the light (Jesus) in favor of darkness.
3. Despite rejection, God has always maintained a faithful remnant.
4. Believing without seeing is considered blessed by Jesus.

Discussion Questions:

1. What does it mean to be a "witness" for Christ in today's world? How can we fulfill this role like John the Baptist did?

2. The sermon mentions that the world is becoming more hostile to the gospel message. Have you experienced this? How can we respond to this hostility in a Christ-like manner?

3. Discuss the concept of "kosmos" as presented in the sermon. How does understanding this term change your perspective on verses like John 3:16?

4. Why do you think people often choose to reject Jesus and "live life their own way"? Have you ever struggled with this yourself?

5. The sermon states, "there's simply no room for God in these people's lives." How can we ensure we're making room for God in our own lives?

6. Reflect on Jesus' words to Thomas: "blessed are those who believe without seeing." What challenges and rewards come with this kind of faith?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, identify one way you can be a "witness" to Christ in your daily life. Share your plan with the group and report back next week.

2. Spend time reflecting on areas of your life where you might be rejecting God's light. Commit to addressing one of these areas through prayer and action.

3. Choose a verse from John 1:6-13 to memorize and meditate on throughout the week.

4. Look for opportunities to share the gospel message with someone who may be unfamiliar with it, keeping in mind the world's potential hostility.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC