
Series: The Gospel of John

August 20, 2024
Pastor Mike

In the beginning of the Gospel of John is the introduction of the Light of the World being made know

Episode Notes

 The Eternal Word and Light

Key Takeaways:
1. The Gospel of John parallels Genesis, emphasizing Jesus' eternal existence.
2. Jesus (the Word) is both God and the creator of all things.
3. John's Gospel provides a unique perspective on Jesus' life and ministry.
4. The light of Christ shines in the darkness, and darkness cannot overcome it.

Discussion Questions:

1. How does John's opening compare to Genesis? What significance do you see in this parallel?

2. The sermon emphasizes Jesus' eternal existence. How does this impact your understanding of who Jesus is?

3. Discuss the concept of Jesus as both fully God and fully man. Why is this important to our faith?

4. How do you interpret the phrase "the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it"? How does this apply to our lives today?

5. The sermon mentions that the first century audience had a very different worldview from ours. How can we bridge this gap to better understand the Gospel message?

6. Reflect on Peter's statement, "Lord, to whom shall we go? You have the words of eternal life." What does this mean to you personally?

7. How does understanding Jesus as the creator of all things influence your relationship with Him?

Practical Applications:

1. This week, spend time meditating on John 1:1-5. Journal your thoughts and insights.

2. Identify an area of "darkness" in your life or community. How can you bring Christ's light into this situation?

3. Share with the group one way you can practically demonstrate your belief in Jesus as both God and creator in your daily life.

4. Consider how you can deepen your understanding of the historical and cultural context of the Gospel. Perhaps choose a resource to study or share with the group.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC