1 Peter 2:18-3:12, Obedience Brings Blessings

Series: 1 Peter

August 24, 2024
Pastor Mike

‌Slavery in the First Century is a diverse and multi-faceted topic. ‌It is imperative that we examine Scripture through the lens of the WRITERS and not our current world view. The Greek and Roman Empires set their entire economic systems on this practice. ‌It’s estimated that, in the Roman Empire, 1/3 of the total urban population were slaves. ‌Slavery then was meant, not as a lifetime obligation, but, quite often, as a means to an end. For one to serve as a slave in a Roman Citizens home was an effective way to gain citizenship for one-self.

Episode Notes

1- Servants to Masters
  In today’s world- Workers to employers
‌  Honor your boss and do admirable work for your employer, whether you like   them or not. Whether they like you or not.
2- Wives to Husbands.
‌  Submission today is a dirty word.
‌‌  But according to Peter what is to be gained by submitting far outweighs any personal gain.
‌  A wife married to an unbelieving husband can win the husband over, by NOT lording over him, but rather, the wife’s everyday behavior, proper honor and respect, can win their husband over to God.
‌  A wife’s conduct and her honoring her husband (Since they both took the vow) can be the driving force of conviction for the husband.

‌3- A Word to Husbands
‌  Understand, gentlemen, that none of the aforementioned requirements of God, allow you, appoint you, or in any other way designate you as King of you castle, Chief Potentate of your Realm, or a divinely appointed Dictator of your own family.
‌  Heads of Households, Fathers, had enormous power over their family- Latin- Patria Potestas - The POWER of the FATHER.

Guys, we are in this TOGETHER with our wives.
‌  We live as Joint Heirs in God’s Grace-Together.

4- FINALLY- To All...
‌‌  Live in...Harmony, Sympathetic, Brotherly Love, Compassionate and Humble.
‌  Do not: Repay Evil with Evil, Insult for Insult
‌‌  Rather Blessing, because we are blessed beyond measure in God’s Grace.

Content Copyright Belongs to Calvary Chapel Aiken, Aiken SC