what is love part 1


April 16, 2019
Rev Seby Matacena


Episode Notes

“The Most Excellent Questions”



    Part one and introduction and Review


This week we are dealing with the most important questions in human life. These questions and their answers will totally bring us to LIFE and not just existence.  We are now at the third week of:

I will not reveal to you the question for this week until after the introduction and Review.

We started our search with an observation, there must be a foundation a purpose and determination for ALL things, and it must be immovable. For these three things (foundation, purpose and determination) to be immovable they must be initiated by an immovable force or being; a being that is the same today, yesterday and forever and has been so for eternity past. This being or force cannot be human, that is carnal, nor can it be a machine such as a computer as the being must have attributes that must identify with the human needs.

We began with a question, “Why do we exist?”

In answering that question, we encountered more questions but some interesting answers along with the asking. We found that in order to fully be able to answer it we must first know God and that God is LOVE. This of course led us to seek for our foundation and origin and a question, “Where did we originate?”   but if it had to do with love we are confronted with, “What is Love?” AND “what does love have to do with our existence “? Well it seems all we do is ask and more questions arise. Why folks ask so many questions on this subject may be out of insecurity and a sense of not having a solid nor place of belonging. When I speak of solid, I speak of an un-movable secure rock I call “KNOWING”. To know that I know beyond a shadow of doubt; “you will know the truth and the truth will set you free”.

In the answers we found that we are three-part beings, spirit, soul and body. We are a spirit being living in a flesh and bone body with intellect, emotions and hope. I said in our first question, “hope in both worlds”, what two worlds? Well as carnal human being we hope for a future of success and meaning, a life that produces more life. At the same time, we are aware that it is not eternal and that it will come to an end. Yet we all have an inner knowing that we must leave something of value behind, something that will allow my existence to have purpose and make a difference in those I leave behind. This has created another question, What am I here for”?

oh, wrenched man that I am, who will deliver me from this body that must die”.

But within mankind there is a mystery and an inner knowing that is persistent and at times forceful that in our time of need, despair and fear we without conscious thought call out verbally, “God!!!!” as if there is an  entity, an invisible power that will surely come to our rescue and save the moment. who is this God?

Why don’t we call out to our earthly parents, grandparents  the foundation of our physical life; Dad, Mom, why “GOD?”

In order to get these answers, we found that we had to return to God and the Scriptures if we were to get accurate answers; we needed to find our origin and beginning, yet not our carnal human beginning but our spiritual beginning and “why we exist spirit beings”. We had to go beyond the beginning of matter itself as before that there was absolutely nothing; but in order to be real it had to have one crucial thing:

“Reality must have an observer for it to exist”.

From this we conclude that every living being came from another living being and: Life Comes from Life, Life does NOT come from Matter”, we then concluded there was  a spiritual world with spirit beings prior to carnal humanity.

God, who made the heaven, and established it; who settled the earth, and the things in it, and gives breath to the  (humans) people on it, and a  “spirit to them that walk on it:   (Isaiah 42:5).

The spirit of man is his life and breath. It is our true being, it is the person He selected (elected )  individually    before the founding of the worlds- “You are NOT a Mistake.  You have a purpose and a destiny.

God’s Determined purpose and desire

So, we are left with more questions, but above all we are left with a crucial difficult question, one that has become the crux of humanities central question which brings us to our second question in our search:

“Who is God?” but it is not enough to ask “who”, but we must ask, “What is God?”

As in our first two session we must again say, You need to know GOD to answer that question…….

The absolute truth is that man is NOT ignorant of the existence of God; He has made it plain to them, since the beginning of creation of the invisible attributes of God, e.g. his eternal power and divinity, have been plainly discernible through things which he has made and which are commonly seen and known, thus leaving mankind without excuse. They have known all along that there is a God, but - “Who is He and What is He?” Even Christians ask this question they know ABOUT God, but many do not KNOW God, this is why  answering this question is the highest priority in the human life.

Most people spend their time seeking and asking questions that would be answered simply by knowing God. Why did God put the tree in the garden, why did God throw Adam out of Eden, why do-little children suffer and thousands of similar questions. Maybe it is just due to their insecurity and fear; yet fear may be defeated by simply asking a question(?)

There are questions most never ask such as: God made man in His image and likeness so “what is His image and what is He like?”

Well they ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil and God sent them out of the garden; But God did not leave them to fend for themselves. He did not take His love from them nor did He change his plan for mankind, He took animal skins and dressed them. Then Eve conceived and bore her first child. She said, "I have given birth to a man (Adam) with the help of The Lord."  -- Why have I told you this story and what has this to do with “who and what God is”?

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