
Series: 1 - 2 Samuel

November 03, 2019
Pastor Daniel Lee

In the aftermath of the civil war between David and Absalom, we’re faced with the broader fallout of the national consequences of David’s sins. The nation is splintered, and broken relationships need to be mended. In these two chapters, we see the need for David to take responsibility and do the agonizing work of reconciliation and restoration. But the subsequent revolt by Sheba points to the sobering reality that reconciliation is often messy. So in the midst of the shortcomings of David, the anointed King of Israel, we hear the cry for a better Messiah King to come. Jesus our true Messiah King not only grants us reconciliation, but also gifts us with the ministry of reconciliation. Through Jesus, we can not only break the generational sins, but also have hope and power to bring reconciliation as well.

Episode Notes

  • Reconciliation requires intentional action
    • 2 Samuel 19:7
  • Reconciliation requires paying the cost
    • 2 Samuel 19:22-23
  • Reconciliation requires wisdom
    • 2 Samuel 19:29-30
    • 2 Samuel 19:38
  • Reconciliation requires hope
    • 2 Samuel 20:1-2
  • 2 Corinthians 5:18-19
  • How we can be peacemakers:
    1. Don't ignore the issues
    2. Be willing to pay the cost
    3. Pray for wisdom
    4. Don't lose heart

Content Copyright Belongs to OMC: Family Chapel