Humility: The Cure for Worldliness | James 4:1-12
Series: James
September 27, 2020
Pastor Daniel Lee
Building off of last week's teaching, James continues to point out marks of an inconsistent life that are oppositions to a thriving community. In this passage, James is calling for repentance over the quarrels, conflicts, and slander plaguing their communities caused by double-mindedness and a divided heart. He then exhorts his readers to humble themselves and turn away from all worldliness, selfishness, and fleshly desires. Ultimately, we see James teaching that a thriving community is built by thriving people who humbly follow the Lord wholeheartedly.
Episode Notes
- The disease is worldliness that leads to prideful self-exaltation
- Worldliness leads to sinful passions
- James 4:1-3
- James 1:14-15
- Worldliness leads to sinful judgments
- James 4:11-12
- Worldliness is to be in opposition to God
- James 4:4-5
- The cure is humility that leads to God's exaltation
- Humility leads to empowered submission
- James 4:6-7
- "Nothing sets a person so much out of the devil's reach as humility" - Jonathan Edwards
- Humility leads to restored intimacy
- James 4:8-10
- Examine your passions
- Examine your relationships
- Humble yourself daily before the Lord
Content Copyright Belongs to OMC: Family Chapel