Grace-Driven Generosity | 2 Corinthians 8:1-9:5
Series: 2 Corinthians
July 17, 2022
Pastor Joshua Lim
After wrapping up his appeal to the Corinthians, Paul now addresses the relief fund he is collecting from various churches to send over to the suffering Christians in Jerusalem and Judea. The Corinthians had begun to collect the funds, but with all the relational tension and presence of false teachers, they had stalled out. In this passage, Paul encourages them to resume the collection and to give generously. As Christians, we are driven to be generous, not out of a burdensome obligation, but by an overflow of God's grace. As such, generosity is our act of worship to God, a pathway to spiritual maturity, the appropriate response to the Gospel, and the means to bless others.
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