Do Not Be Anxious
Series: The Sermon on the Mount
March 31, 2019
Pastor Joshua Lim
Disciples of Christ should not be anxious because anxiety is incompatible with Christian faith and anxiety is incompatible with common sense. Rather than being anxious, disciples of Christ should be ambitious for God’s kingdom and righteousness.
Episode Notes
- A God-given emotional response for our benefit
- A disordered physiological response
- A sinful response to God's providential care
- 1. Anxiety is incompatible with Christian faith
- Matthew 6:26
- Matthew 6:28-30
- 2. Anxiety is incompatible with common sense
- Anxiety narrows our vision
- Matthew 6:25
- Anxiety accomplishes nothing
- Matthew 6:27
- Anxiety doubles our trouble
- Matthew 6:34
- Replace fearful anxiety with godly ambition
- Matthew 6:31-33
Content Copyright Belongs to OMC: Family Chapel