KTCG - 5:18:21, 2.31 PM

Series: Keep the Conversation Going

May 18, 2021
Dave Smith

A follow up conversation based upon Frank Foreman's message, "And Satan Smiles" from Mark 2:18-3:6 on May 16, 2021. If you didn't get a chance to hear that message yet, be sure to listen to it: https://bit.ly/3weSdBZ

Episode Notes

This week we want to keep the conversation going considering those questions that Jesus faced from the religious leaders of His day about fasting, the Sabbath and what is the right and appropriate thing to do on the Sabbath itself.

We'll also follow up and discuss the challenge that Frank shared with us at the end of the message to, "Invite Jesus to expose anything hypocritical within us that prevents us from helping others and honoring Him.."
  • Is there something hypocritical in your spiritual walk that could be exposed more clearly to you if you took the time to consider it?
  • Is your view of God or has the truth of His Word been distorted in any way because of your personal choices, preferences or prejudices?
  • What can we do to better live in a manner that shows mercy and compassion to others as He does?

Please feel free to chime in with your feedback, questions, etc.

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