Follow Up with Clay - 08.28.24

Series: Band of Brothers

August 28, 2024
Clay King

We live in a world that wants to beat men up…. We want to build men up… to bless women and children. 1 Corinthians 16:13-14, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love. Rule to live by: Remember that before she was your wife / fiancée’ / girlfriend... She was / is His daughter... Joint heir in the Kingdom of God.

Episode Notes

Samson: (Judges 13-16)

Olympic highlights / lowlights….

How much should the person’s character play a role in their choosing?

Either it matters…. Or just pick the best athlete….

As Christians…. We represent Jesus Christ….

Our very lives are a walking / talking testimony to Him….

(You may be the only Bible some people ever read.)

How do you feel about being a representative of Jesus?

Samson was chosen by God to deliver / lead / judge / represent….

This story is here for us to learn from….

Let’s see how he did….

Instead of me summarizing the story…. Let’s do it together by answering….

How do we see Samson being a lousy representative? (In order)

Judges 13: Barren couple…. Jesus appears…. Promises a child….

Devoted to serve god…. Deliver from Philistines….

Nazirite Vow…. No haircut / No alcohol / No touching dead stuff….

Judges 14: spending time in Philistine city / with Philistine people….

Sees pretty girl / Demands his dad get her for wife…. (Right in my eyes)

Kills a lion…. Traveling by and scoops honey out of charkas….

Samson threw a feast (Drinking)…. Thirty companions of Philistine men….

Gambled with a riddle…. They threaten to kill wife / father….

She nags him until he tells her…. She tells them…. They win….

(If you had not plowed with my heifer, you would not have found out my riddle.)

Killed 30 men to pay debt…. In hot anger left town….

Judges 15:

Time goes by…. Returns to visit his wife…. (Young goat)

Father thought he hated her…. Gave her to the best man….

Offered younger daughter…. (Prettier)

Caught 300 foxes / tied tails together / torches / burns fields / destroys food….

They find out who…. Killed former wife / father….

He swears revenge…. He struck them with a great blow…. Retreated to a cave….

Philistine army raids Judah…. 3,000 men of Judah turn on him…. He agrees….

They turn him over / he breaks free / kills 1,000 with jawbone of dead donkey….

Judges 16:

Spends night with prostitute…. Men surround to ambush….

He comes out…. Tears gate / posts from ground…. Carries up hill….

Saw another woman / fell in love…. Delilah….

She agrees to seduce him / get secret of strength….

Lies / game…. 7 fresh bowstrings / new ropes / 7 locks of hair braided / pinned….

Eventually cut hair…. Maybe truth / maybe he still thought he was above it all….

They shave his head / Spirit of the Lord left him….

Eyes gouged out / bound him in shackles / made him grind grain….

(But the hair on his head began to grow)

Philistines gathered to worship their god of Degon….

Called for Samson to entertain them….

Asked to lean against pillars / prayed / God strengthened him….

He pushed the structural pillars down…. Everyone died / More than in his lifetime….

Family buried him…. He had judged 20 years.

Samson is not the hero of this story….

Don’t open the Bible looking for a good guy…. But a good God.

Samson needed Jesus to rule in his life….

That’s what we need….

In spite of himself…. God’s grace compelled Him to continue pursuing Samson….

And His grace pursues us….

Ephesians 2:8-9, For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works, so that no one may boast.

Your life is not defined by your best day / worst day….

It’s not nearly as important how you start as it is how you end….

Lesson: The most important day of your life is the last day of your life.

Learn from Samson…. See Satan’s attempts to stop you from ending well….

Anger / pride / lust / bitterness / selfishness / vengeance….

Instead of being consumed by these things…. (That’s what Satan wants)

Be thankful…. Stop responding to circumstances…. Respond to God….

1st Thessalonians 5:18, …give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

Samson got to fight enemies of God / supernatural strength / divine calling….

Nowhere do we see praise / worship / gratitude….

These stories are not just for information…. They are for transformation….  

You are a witness of Jesus Christ…. Be a good one…. Start with gratitude.


How do you want to thank God tonight?

How can we pray for you?

Who do you know that needs this group?

Next Week: Boaz (Ruth 1-4)

Content Copyright Belongs to New Horizons Christian Church