Follow Up with Clay - 07.17.24

Series: Band of Brothers

July 17, 2024
Clay King

Follow up devotional thoughts from our Band of Brothers Study on July 17, 2024.

Episode Notes

We live in a world that wants to beat men up….

We want to build men up… to bless women and children.

Recap: (1st Peter 3) Men are called to lead…. Protect / provide….

Does not mean that men are smarter / more integrity / more valuable….

1st Corinthians 16:13-14, Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love.

Rule to live by: Remember that before she was your wife / fiancée’ / girlfriend….

She was / is His daughter…. Joint heir in the Kingdom of God.

Why do you think that is…. That Satan loves to lie / distort?

He hates God…. He hates you….

He hates all good gifts from God…. He hates all blessings from God….

And today…. When it comes to family / marriage / parenting….

He might be winning….

Right at the beginning the Bible tells us that God made them male / female….

Today in our world…. Is there any such thing as male / female?

The Bible also tells us that a man will leave his parents / cleave to his wife….

Today in our world…. Is marriage limited to husband / wife?

We see right before our eyes….

The dismantling / distortion / destruction…. Of family / marriage….

I believe it’s very intentional….

Satan is patient…. He has worked over generations to get this far….

Here’s what’s coming….

Marriage between multiple partners…. (Polygamy)

And then…. A lowering / dropping all together of the age of consent.

There will always be a conflict between the world and the Word….

And you my friends…. Are caught right in the middle….

How will you respond? Caught up in the world / Word?

Jacob: (In many ways…. Caught up in the world…. )

Abrahams grandson…. Isaac’s son….

Birthright: Honor given to oldest son / Head of Household / Double portion / Will…

Genesis 25:  Twins…. Esau first…. Jacob holding onto his ankle.

Genesis 25:  Esau hungry…. Sells birthright for a bowl of stew.

Genesis 27:  Jacob tricks dad into giving him the family blessing / birthright.

Genesis 27:  Esau threatened to kill Jacob after father’s death.

Genesis 28:  Jacob sent away…. Keep safe / get a wife.

Genesis 29:  Jacob falls in love.

Genesis 29:11, Then Jacob kissed Rachel and wept aloud. And Jacob told Rachel that he was her father’s kinsman, and that he was Rebekah’s son, and she ran and told her father.

Jacob asks to marry Rachael….

Genesis 29:16-20, Now Laban had two daughters. The name of the older was Leah, and the name of the younger was Rachel. Leah’s eyes were weak, but Rachel was beautiful in form and appearance. Jacob loved Rachel. And he said, “I will serve you seven years for your younger daughter Rachel.” Laban said, “It is better that I give her to you than that I should give her to any other man; stay with me.” So Jacob served seven years for Rachel, and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.

Years pass…. Wedding night….

Wakes up in the morning…. Sun’s up….

Realizes that he just spent the night with Leah…. (Older sister)

Complains / excuses made….

Works seven more years for the honor of marrying Rachael….

14 years for this woman he loved…. (Wish that was the highlight / lesson…. )

He didn’t love Leah…. He slept with her but didn’t love her….

She had a baby…. Praise God…. “The Lord has seen my misery….

She had another baby…. Again mentioned that she is not loved….

Another…. “Now at least my husband will be attached to me…. “

And then one more….

Rachael wasn’t having babies…. Became jealous….

Gave him her servant to have a child…. And she did…. (Grandma Sarah)

And then the servant gave him another child… “I have struggled with my sister / won.”

So Leah wanted to het back into the competition…. Gave him her servant….

She gave him a child…. And then another child….

Leah’s son picked some mandrake plants…. Brought to his mom….

Rachael asked for some….

Sister scolded her…. You’ve taken my man / now you want to take my mandrakes….

Rachael offered her a deal….

Jacob can sleep with you tonight if you give me some mandrakes…. (Stew)

She did…. He did…. They did…. Leah got pregnant and had another….

And another…. “This time my husband will treat me with honor.”

Pause: Notice the lowering of expectations….

Leah wanted love / attachment / honor….

Jacob only loves Rachael…. But he’ll sleep with anyone….

And then Leah had another child…. A daughter…. (Sad story…. Dad didn’t care)

Then Rachael finally had a baby…. (Joseph and later Benjamin)

God has a plan for marriage / family….

Just because we read distortions in the Bible doesn’t mean He changed His mind….

It’s always disaster….

Lesson: Commit to God’s plan for marriage…. And apply it to dating.

We work from love not for love.

God so loved the world…. Love is at the starting line / not the finish line….

The same should be true in our relationships…. That’s God’s plan….

Commit to love…. Love is given not earned…. (Never let her feel that…. )

Every other world religion…. And many people today….

Love is at the finish line…. Work hard enough / succeed…. And I will love you….

God puts love at the beginning of the relationship…. We work from that….

Very different than how the world behaves….

Behave like the world…. Get the results like the world….

(Heartbreak / divorce / infidelity / regret / disappointment…. )

Jacob didn’t lead…. He just fell into the pattern of the world around him….

In this story…. Everybody gets what they want…. And they are all miserable.

What we want is often not what we need.

The best way to be prepared to marry one person…. Is to date one person….

Date intentionally with a goal in mind…. Not multiple girls at one time….

It’s practice for being faithful….

Teach daughters to set the bar high…. Very high….

Follow God’s plan…. Lead well…. Prepare for a fight….  

Sons: 12 tribes of Israel…. Form the nation…. Prophets / priests / kings….

Jesus comes into this world as a descendent of this dysfunctional family….

God seems happy to bring blessing through imperfect people….

He can do that…. He can bring blessing into your relationship….

No matter the mistakes…. It’s not too late….

Turn and follow God’s plan….

Because God’s grace is bigger than our sin….

We all come from imperfect families / brokenness / chaos / hurt….

Give God’s grace / forgiveness as you have received….


What can we do to warn our kids / grandkids?

How can we pray for you?

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Content Copyright Belongs to New Horizons Christian Church