Clays response to the Band of Brothers meeting on 3/19/25

Series: Band of Brothers

March 19, 2025
Clay King

Clay reiterates Franks's message from Sunday but also takes time to get real with us - real about the temptations in our life. As men we are especially vulnerable to the sexual messages and graphic images in our society today. Never in history has porn been so readily available - and in a form that can be easily hidden (cell phones) However we may try and hide it and its effects on us, our marriage and children but that's a lie - Satan laughs as we slip more and more into addiction. The key is having God and other brothers in your life to confess to - brothers to pray with and to hold you accountable. Together we can make the positive strides we want to make. Find a brother to help you in your struggle and in turn you can help another as you begin to succeed.

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