The 6th Hour

Series: Living Water

July 21, 2024
Jarod Smith, Lead Pastor

Living Water Series | The 6th Hour - Pastor Jarod Smith Pastor Jarod Smith's sermon titled "The 6th Hour" explores Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well in Samaria. The woman, burdened with past mistakes and feeling invisible, finds Jesus at the well, highlighting that Jesus meets us in our moments of exhaustion and weakness. Pastor Jarod emphasizes the importance of acknowledging our weaknesses to Christ for victory, as Jesus understands our struggles and offers unfailing love. The sermon concludes with a call to seek the living water of Jesus, which can sustain and refresh our relationship with God, especially in times of doubt and exhaustion. _______________ Partner with New Tribe: Give | ____ Connect with New Tribe: Website | Instagram | Facebook | YouTube |

Episode Notes

Scriptures & Slides:

  • John 4:4-5 NASB
  • When You Have Truly Come to the End of Yourself There Will Only Be One Person Sitting There, Jesus
  • Hebrews 4:15 ESV
  • sympathize: to have a fellow feeling with
  • In Humility Jesus Chooses to Identify With Our Weaknesses Long Before We Ever Choose to Identify With His Strength
  • John 4:5 NASB
  • "somebody's poisoned the water hole" - Woody, from Toy Story
  • John 4:8-9 NASB
  • John 4:10-15 NASB
  • John 4:27 NASB
  • Genesis 24:12-14 NLT
  • Genesis 29:1-3 NASB
  • Genesis 29:7-8 NASB
  • Genesis 29:10-11 NASB
  • John 4:14 NLT
  • bubbling: to leap, bubble up, middle voice of apparently a primary verb; to jump, figuratively, to gush
  • Spontaneous Encounters Spark Passion But Intentional Intimacy Builds Relationship
  • Jeremiah 2:13 NLT
  • We Don't Have to Wait for the Next Outpouring All of Us Can Choose to Take a Drink Today

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