A Clean Slate

Series: Everything Changes

January 26, 2025
Jarod Smith, Lead Pastor

A Clean Slate | Pastor Jarod Smith Hebrews 9:14 declares that the blood of Christ purifies our consciences so we can serve the living God. This message uses the metaphor of "a clean slate" to illustrate spiritual renewal through Jesus. By Christ's sacrifice, we are not merely made "like new" but "brand new" at the deepest level— spiritually regenerated. The blood of Christ reaches into the most hidden parts of our being, cleansing us from sin and empowering us to overcome past failures and live victoriously in faith. ____ Partner with New Tribe: Give | https://newtribe.church/give/ ____ Connect with New Tribe: Website | https://newtribe.church/comeexperience/ Instagram | https://www.instagram.com/newtribechurch Facebook | https://www.facebook.com/newtribechurch YouTube | https://www.youtube.com/newtribechurch

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