The New Normal - Part 1 with Pastor Joe Wickman | 5.24.20

Series: The New Normal

May 24, 2020
Pastor Joe Wickman

In 2020 and beyond, we cannot go back to the way things were - we can only go forward and find a new normal. But is normal really the best for us? The Bible tells us that Jesus Christ came to earth so we could live lives that are not normal, but brand new. What does that look like for us? Are we choosing to live that way? In part 1 of “The New Normal”, Pastor Joe explains how we can move forward by understanding more clearly how God wants us to live, and by leaning into the “new us” – and we can’t do that by staying the same as we were before. The question is, are we ready to trade our idea of "normal" for something better? Watch past sermons at, or listen to our podcast at

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