Beyond Grief - Part 4 with Pastor Joe Wickman | 5.30.21

Series: Beyond Grief

May 30, 2021
Pastor Joe Wickman

It may be easy to think that if we give everything to God, it’s His job to work things out perfectly - and we’ll never experience pain. But God calls us to obey Him whether our plans turn out to be a success, or they end in failure and grief. In part four of "Beyond Grief", Pastor Joe reminds us that no matter what devastating or unexpected losses we may face in this lifetime, we can work through our grief and experience rebirth. Jesus’ specialty was raising dead things to life – so when we bring our hurt to Him and allow the power of the Holy Spirit to work in us, God will be faithful to strengthen us so we can experience a resurrected life. We can then go out and share our story of healing with others!

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