The Work of the Holy Spirit - Part 2 - podcast 211

March 30, 2022
John Macdonald

To learn about God and His word and all the ways that we need to know in life we have to be closely knit to the Lord through the Holy Spirit. The anointing or empowering of the Holy Spirit must be working mightily through our spirit or inner person. Because this anointing remains in all born again believers they have no need for other people to teach them about the Lord. You must be diligent yourself, to hear what the Holy Spirit is telling you. The Holy Spirit is well able to give us insight into all aspects of life including our daily work, our family, our finances and our personal relationships with other people. The Holy Spirit is absolutely true and you never receive any lies or deceptions when you completely obey the Holy Spirit's instructions. Christians are to remain rooted and grounded in Him to the honour and glory of the Father, in Jesus' name as well as being able to sincerely help younger Christians on their earthly journey.

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