Set Free ! -Podcast 339 -Ministry & Music 6-

Series: M and M - Ministry and Music

August 18, 2024
John Macdonald

Prisoners can often lack hope as to their future freedom. Then comes the day that they regain their freedom in society and no longer have to live a shackled life behind prison bars and doors. They have been set free! The majority of mankind live in their prison of man made ideas, fears and superstitions. They seem to be forever bound by their own thoughts and circumstances, without a hope of future freedom. Then the wonderful light of God's salvation shines into their lives. They accept Christ's pardon of sins' forgiven and become inheritors of eternal life as a child of God. This is the most magnificent freedom anyone can ever have. Their burden of sins are washed away by Christ's shed blood, on Calvary, for them and they now have eternal freedom. The prison bars are gone!

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