Remission and Forgiveness of Sins - Podcast 334

Series: New Apostles Voice

July 21, 2024
John Macdonald

In order to have your sins forgiven you must be willing to repent. Only those who repent are able to have their sins remissed and forgiven. Unrepentant people will never be forgiven of their unintended mistakes nor their wilful trespasses, forever. Many people are not willing to acknowledge that they are sinners, yet God's word, the Holy Bible, declares that everyone has sinned. This is usually on a regular basis against the laws of a just and Holy God. They have fallen short of His standard of forgiveness, mercy and grace. They are therefore sinners who sinned because they have an inherent fallen, sinful nature. This nature came as a result of mankind's fall from perfection into sin, in the Garden of Eden.

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