Redeemed From the Curse -Podcast 183

August 30, 2021
John Macdonald

All those people who have repented of their sins and have been forgiven are redeemed through Christ's precious blood. These people have all been redeemed from the curse of the law. The law was given by God on Mount Sinai. It was intended to allow Israel to be able to walk in God's righteous covenant with His people. Only Israel lived under God's laws, at the time and their sins were atoned for by the blood of animals. Their sins were not washed away, but were covered from God's sight. We have a better covenant based on better promises. This is the New Testament. All redeemed people have their sins washed away by the blood of Jesus Christ and God has even forgotten, His children's iniquities. As a result of Christ's resurrection power and the acceptance of Christ's atoning sacrifice on the Cross of Calvary, we are God's redeemed children for eternity.

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