Prayer Is So Important-Part 2- Podcast 345

Series: M and M - Ministry and Music

September 29, 2024
John Macdonald

Divine prayer help, for God's children, is so important. We truly need divine help from God's throne, through the wonderful guidance and assistance, of the Holy Spirit. This we learn from Romans 8 verses 26,27 and 34. The Holy Spirit comes to help us in our weaknesses. We do not often know how to pray for a given situation and even for the way we should pray for that situation. The Holy Spirit knows, very specifically, what to pray for, in every moment of our life. He intercedes, on our behalf, with sighs and groanings beyond the knowledge of our spirit's understanding. The Holy Spirit searches our spirits and then intercedes, before God's throne, in accordance with God's will and purposes and not just our own understanding. The Lord Jesus Christ, who has given His children, their eternal life, also intercedes for us, standing at the right hand of our Father, in heaven.

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