Many Are Called - Podcast 291
August 17, 2023
John Macdonald
John chapter 3 verses 16 and 17 informs us that Jesus Christ died on the Cross of Calvary, for the whole world. Why was this so? It was because God loved all of mankind, whom He created and did not want any to perish. Everyone remains a condemned sinner until they repent of their sins and become born again children of God. All that believe on Him and His word, then gain eternal life. Jesus didn't come to the earth to condemn the world but rather, that all might be saved. He desired that everyone would become part of His eternal family. Unfortunately, the majority of people, have rejected the call of the Holy Spirit, to repent of their sins. This means that they keep living under the dark cloud of God's anger and not the blessings of His forgiveness.
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