Living in Resurrection Power -Podcast 340 -Ministry & Music 7

Series: M and M - Ministry and Music

August 25, 2024
John Macdonald

Every born again believer can and should recognise, from the evidence found in God's word, the Holy Bible, that they have been endowed with God's resurrection power. They are well able to combat and destroy the works of the enemy, Satan. We are able to plainly read and learn about this evidence from Matthew 28:18-19. Jesus has been given all authority and power in both heaven and earth. This was the power that the Lord obtained from God the Father after He arose from the dead and conquered all the lies and deceits of the flesh, the world and the devil. When we surrendered our life to Jesus Christ this was the point at which His resurrection power was given to all who genuinely believe. He conferred His resurrection authority and power upon all His born again children. It is in and through Him, alone, that His resurrection power was bestowed on the church.

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