Don't Be Deceived, Now- Podcast 341 - Ministry and Music 8

Series: M and M - Ministry and Music

September 01, 2024
John Macdonald

No believer in God and His word, the Holy Bible and has allowed the Holy Spirit to take control of their life, should ever be deceived. Everyone, who is born again by the Spirit of God and cleansed by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and is a faithful reader and confessor of God's word and applies God's words to their life, should ever be consistently deceived. Lies and deception comes through the flesh, the world, and the devil. This also includes the devil's demonic counterparts both of the fallen angelic realm and those of unrepentant mankind. Always test whatever you read and meditate upon or hear from the pulpit with what the word of God, the Holy Bible, has to say on the subject. As well, the revelation knowledge, given by the Holy Spirit, to your own spirit.

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