Clothed in His Righteousness - Podcast 301
October 23, 2023
John Macdonald
Every born again Christian is an eternal saint of the Lord. A saint is a human being that has been saved and has been sorry for their sins and has repented of them. God has forgiven them and their sins have been washed away through Christ's blood shed on the Cross, at Calvary. As a result the Holy Spirit has renewed their spirit or inner person and in the name of Jesus Christ and to the honour and glory of the Father, they have been granted everlasting life, from that time onwards. Throughout their life on earth they may make serious mistakes or have even wilfully sinned but whenever they repent they are restored to full fellowship rights, with the Father because of Jesus' sacrifice, on their behalf. It is important that every Christian truly repents of their sins and endeavours to live a sanctified life and not to keep on, habitually sinning, as a way of life.
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