All Are Sinners - Podcast 320
April 07, 2024
John Macdonald
Every human being begins life after contraception in the mother's womb. After about or just before nine months everyone enters this world corrupted by sin and Satan's lies and deceitful ways. The only sinless being who lived His life on earth, was Jesus Christ, the Son of God. Adam and Eve, the first created beings, were also perfect and god like, in the beginning. Adam was given his authority, as ruler of this earth, by God. However, in the Garden of Eden, Satan deceived Eve into eating fruit from the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil, which was in the centre of the Garden. God had allowed them to eat fruit from every other tree, but not this one. Adam also ate of the fruit. Immediately, their inner being or spirit, became corrupted. They disobeyed God so sin then entered the world through them. They had inherited a sin nature and its effects spread abroad throughout all of God's perfect creation
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