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The Carols of Christmas

The Carols of Christmas

Nothing says Christmas more than singing or hearing one of the many beautiful carols that we sing each year. I love so many of the classic carols and can’t wait to hear them each year, but I was amazed to find out that the earliest carols came from the New Testament. Join us on December 11th as we experience the joy, power, and anticipation of the very first carols ever sung. You don’t want to miss each week as we explore the beauty of each carol and hear the amazing backstory to each song. We will begin with the Carol of Zechariah. It is a song of longing and hope that one day the Lord will keep His promise to His people and that day has now come. We will move to the Carol of Mary. It is a song of amazement at the wonderful work of God to bring His child into this world and to use such an unlikely person as her. We will end on Christmas day with the Carol of the Angels. What better way to celebrate Christmas than hearing the wonderful refrain, “peace on earth and goodwill towards men.”

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