The Power of Choice: Caught Between Two Options

Series: Waiting On God

August 13, 2023
Pastor Charles Barksdale

During today's Sunday morning worship service, Pastor Charles Barksdale delivered a thought-provoking sermon titled "The Power of Choice: Caught Between Two Options." Drawing from Deuteronomy 30:19, Proverbs 3:5-6, Galatians 6:7, and Romans 12:2 in the Holman Christian Standard Bible translation, he explored the significance of making wise choices in our lives. Pastor Barksdale emphasized that we are constantly faced with decisions that have the power to shape our future. He challenged the congregation to seek God's guidance and trust in His wisdom when caught between two options, reminding them that the choices we make ultimately impact our spiritual growth and relationship with God. Through this sermon, Pastor Barksdale encouraged the congregation to align their choices with God's will and to rely on His strength and direction in all aspects of their lives.

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