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Title Speaker Date
We're Pregnant! Pastor Tom Viers June 30, 2024
The Sandal of Redemption Pastor Tom Viers June 23, 2024
Covenants Go Head To Head Pastor Tom Viers June 02, 2024
Here Comes The Judge Pastor Tom Viers May 26, 2024
Rest During Darkness Pastor Tom Viers May 19, 2024
My Hometown Pastor Tom Viers May 12, 2024
Be Lead By The THRESH Pastor Tom Viers May 05, 2024
Hear Ye, Hear Ye Pastor Tom Viers April 28, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Put Faith To Work Pastor Tom Viers April 14, 2024
Stubborn Faith - Redemption in Ruth Pastor Tom Viers March 17, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Don't Hold Back Pastor Tom Viers March 10, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Yada, Yada, Yada Pastor Tom Viers March 03, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Part 7 Pastor Tom Viers February 18, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Part 6 Pastor Tom Viers February 11, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Part 5 Pastor Tom Viers February 04, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Part 4 Pastor Tom Viers January 28, 2024
When Push Comes to "Shuwb" Erin Joos January 21, 2024
Redemption in Ruth - Part 2 Pastor Tom Viers January 14, 2024
Where's Ruth? Pastor Tom Viers July 15, 2018
All Inclusive Pastor Tom Viers July 08, 2018
To Redeem or Not to Redeem: That is the Question Pastor Tom Viers June 24, 2018
Not Guilty Pastor Tom Viers June 17, 2018
In The Morning Pastor Tom Viers June 10, 2018
I Kin-sent Pastor Tom Viers June 03, 2018
Motherly Advice Pastor Tom Viers May 13, 2018
You Can Count On Your Blessing Pastor Tom Viers May 06, 2018
Because You're Worth It Pastor Tom Viers April 29, 2018
Faith Without Works Is Dead Pastor Tom Viers April 22, 2018
Come As You Are Pastor Tom Viers April 08, 2018
What's Happenin'? Pastor Tom Viers March 25, 2018
Redeemed from the Curse Pastor Tom Viers March 18, 2018
Resurrection Mindset Pastor Tom Viers March 11, 2018
How Sweet It Is Pastor Tom Viers February 18, 2018
Don't Be RUTHless! Pastor Tom Viers February 04, 2018
To The Jew First... Pastor Tom Viers January 28, 2018
What's Your Name? Pastor Tom Viers January 21, 2018
Two Loaves of Wonder Bread Pastor Tom Viers January 14, 2018
The RUTH Shall Set You Free Pastor Tom Viers January 07, 2018

Content Copyright Belongs to Living Grace Church