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Journey with Jeremiah

Journey with Jeremiah

Even when you do everything right, the situation may still go wrong. During our struggles on a hard journey, it helps to have a guide, especially a guide who has more experience than we do. Even though Jeremiah lived over 2500 years ago, he could be speaking the same message into our 21st century context. As you hear Jeremiah’s story you will be able to empathize with his situation. His conflicts may remind you of your own struggles in life and you will be able to connect your experiences with his story.

Title Speaker Date
Called of God Tom and Paula Graves September 05, 2019
Jeremiah's Belt Tom and Paula Graves September 18, 2019
Jeremiah and Hananiah Tom and Paula Graves September 25, 2019
Jeremiah in the Cistern Tom and Paula Graves October 01, 2019

Content Copyright Belongs to Trinity Lutheran Church