The Miracle Of Mercy - Part 8 - Being An Agent Of Mercy To A Lost & Dying World

Series: The Miracle Of Mercy

November 06, 2016
Chuck Bernal, Lead Pastor - LifePointe Church -

Are you looking for a cause bigger than yourself? Do you want to have lasting influence and help people? God is calling all of us to do just that. He desires for everyone to have the opportunity to accept his mercy. We are part of that plan as agents of mercy. The world can be a mean place, but we can influence others by showing mercy. In this message Pastor Chuck Bernal continues his series "The Miracle Of Mercy" with a powerful message about how you can be an agent of mercy to a lost and dying world. In this message, you will learn how to apply the principles of mercy to your daily habits and exercise mercy to change people’s lives.

Episode Notes


Sunday, November 6, 2016 = Pastor Chuck Bernal

 You will be my witnesses - Jesus  (Acts 1:8 - NIV)

 In a mean, unkind & rude world, our greatest witness is showing ___________

 Show mercy to others, just as your Father shows mercy to you! (Luke 6:36)


How can I be more merciful?

 1. If you ______________________, you’ll be _____________________________

Start looking and listening for other people’s needs!

 LOOK OUT for one another's interests, not just for your own. (Philippians 2:4 - TEV)

 Jesus looked at him and loved him. (Mark 10:21 - NIV)

 2. If their life _______________, don’t keep them at arms __________________

Don’t be offended by their sins!

 Show mercy to those whose faith is wavering. Rescue others by snatching them from the flames of judgment. There are still others to whom you need to show mercy, but be careful that you aren't contaminated by their sins. (Jude 1:22-23 - NLT)

 Most importantly, love each other deeply. Love has a way of not looking at others' sins. (1 Peter 4:8 - ICB)

 Be patient with each other, making allowance for each other's faults because of your love. (Ephesians 4:2 -LB)

 Don’t expect unbelievers to __________  ___________ believers until they are

 Matthew invited Jesus to dinner with his fellow tax collectors and many other ‘notorious sinners.’ The Pharisees were indignant. “Why does your Teacher eat with such scum?” When Jesus heard this, he said, “Healthy people don't need a doctor—sick people do!. Now go and learn the meaning of this Scripture: “I want you to be merciful, not offer sacrifices!” For I’ve come to invite sinners to me, not those who think they are righteous.”  (Matthew 9:10-13)

 3. You’ve got to __________________ what you want them to ______________ 

Choose your words carefully!

 When you talk, you should always be kind and pleasant so you will be able to answer everyone in the way you should . . . When you talk, do not say harmful things, but say what people need—words that will help others become stronger. Then what you say will do good to those who listen to you. (Col 4:6, Eph. 4:29)

The wisdom that comes from heaven is pure, peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. Wisdom is full of mercy . . .  (James 3:17 - NLT)

 4. Value saving ___________________________ over keeping ______________

Rules are not nearly as important as relationships in God’s sight!

Jesus defended his disciples eating grain on the Sabbath (Matthew 12:1-8)

 You Pharisees are careful to tithe 10% of every part of your income, but then you ignore other important matters of God’s Law—justice, and showing mercy, and faith. Yes, you should tithe! But you also shouldn’t neglect the more important things! (Matthew 23:23)


 1. Look for people in a _________________ and __________________ to them

 Carry each other's burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2 -NIV)

 2. Look for people with unmet _________________ and ______________ them

 Each one of us needs to look after the good of the people around us, asking ourselves, ‘How can I help?’ That's exactly what Jesus did. He didn't make it easy for himself by avoiding people's troubles, but he waded right in and helped out. (Romans 15:2-3 - Msg)

 3. Look for people that are __________________ and ________________ them

 God comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort others in trouble with the exact same comfort that we received from God. (2 Corinthians 1:3-4)

 4. Look for people needing _____________ and show _____________________

 Look for opportunities to be hospitable. (Romans 12:13 - NJB) 

I was alone and you welcomed me and showed me hospitality. (Matt.  25:31-46)

 5. Look for people who’ve  ____________ and need a ______________ chance

 When people sin, you should forgive and comfort them, so they won't give up in despair. (2 Corinthians 2:7 - CEV)

 6. Look for people that are _________________ and be ____________ to them

 Don’t repay evil for evil. Never retaliate when people insult you or say unkind things about you. Instead, pay them back with a blessing. That is what God wants you to do, and he will bless you for it! (1 Peter 3:9 - NLT)

 God will not forget the work you’ve done and the love you’ve shown him by caring for and helping other people. (Hebrews 6:10)

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