The Miracle Of Mercy - Part 5 - From Messy To Mercy

Series: The Miracle Of Mercy

October 16, 2016
Chuck Bernal, Lead Pastor - LifePointe Church -

This message is Part 5 of the series “The Miracle Of Mercy” by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message Pastor Chuck talks about “From Messy To Mercy”. Did you know that whatever wrong things you have done or whatever mistakes you have made - God wants to show you MERCY and give you a fresh start. NO ONE is too far gone from GRACE. No one is too far away for FORGIVENESS In this message, Pastor Chuck shares with us how we can move from MESSY to MERCY. Using Luke 15 and the stories Jesus told about a lost sheep, a lost coin and a lost son and how each of those teach us how important and valuable lost people are to God and how we can find our way back to our Father. This message was delivered at LifePointe Church on Sunday, October 16, 2016.

Episode Notes


Sunday, October 16, 2016

Pastor Chuck Bernal

 Jesus saved us, not because of the good things we did, but BECAUSE OF HIS MERCY. He washed away our sins and gave us a new life through the Holy Spirit. (Titus 3:5)

 Jesus: “I have come to SEEK and to SAVE those who are LOST.” (Luke 19:10)

The Lost Sheep” (Luke 15:1-7)

The Lost Coin” (Luke 15:8-10)

The Lost Son” (Luke 15:11-31)

“Lostness” implies VALUE

 Like a lost sheep . . .

 1. When I’m disconnected from God, I lose my __________________________

 All of us have strayed away just like lost sheep. We’ve all left God's path to follow our own ways. (Isaiah 53:6)

 2. When I’m disconnected from God, I lose my __________________________

 My people are wandering like lost sheep, without a shepherd to protect and guide them. (Zechariah 10:2)

 Like a lost coin . . .

 3. When I’m disconnected from God, I lose my __________________________

 No one has ever seen or heard or even imagined the wonderful things God has prepared and arranged for those who love him. (1 Corinthians 2:9)

 Like a lost son . . .

 4. When I’m disconnected from God, I lose my __________________________

 The younger son wasted all he’d been given and eventually he became miserable and lonely. (Luke 15:14)

 5. When I’m disconnected from God, I ultimately lose ____________________

 What good is it for a man to gain the whole world, if he loses his soul? (Luke 9:25)

 But I never lose my value!

 God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. (John 3:16)

 Understanding Mercy

1. Mercy rescues me from _____________________________________________

 Jesus is the only one who can bring us to God.

He became a human and gave himself to rescue all of us. (1 Timothy 2:5)

 Trust me in your times of trouble, and I will rescue you, and you will give me glory. (Psalm 50:15)

 2. Mercy recovers my _________________________________________________

 Jesus said, “Come to me, all you who are weary and worn out from carrying too much. Learn to trust and rest in me and you’ll recover your life.” (Matthew 11:28)

 I will give you back what you lost in the years when the locusts ate all your crops. (Joel 2:25)

 3. Mercy reconnects me to my _________________________________________

 Anyone who connects to Christ becomes a new person. The past is forgotten, and everything becomes new. God has done it all! He sent Christ to make peace between himself and us. (2 Corinthians 5:17-18 - CEV)

 Receiving Mercy

 Step 1:  I get ___________ up with my life (There’s got to me more than this!)

 . . . he wasted it all . . . he had nothing left . . . he got desperate and hungry . . . then he finally came to his senses . . . (Luke 15:13-17)

 GOD: “You'll find me when you get serious about finding me and want it more than anything else.” (Jeremiah 29:13 - Mes)

 Step 2: I ________ up to my mistakes (I take responsibility for what I’ve done)

 When he came to his senses, he said . . . “ have sinned against God and you . . .” (Luke 15:17-18)

 Step 3:  I _______________ up myself to God (I surrender completely to Him)

 Because God is merciful to you, OFFER YOURSELVES as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship. And do not conform to the pattern of this world, but BE TRANSFORMED by the renewing of your mind. (Romans 12:1-2 - NIV)

 Experiencing Mercy

 While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; HE RAN OUT to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. (Luke 15:20)

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