The Heart of LifePointe Church - Part 6

Series: The Heart Of LifePointe Church

September 04, 2016
Chuck Bernal, Lead Pastor - LifePointe Church -

This message is Part 6 of the series “The Heart Of LifePointe Church” by Pastor Chuck Bernal. In this message Pastor Chuck talks about the importance of church membership and what it means to be a member of the LifePointe Church family - the 6 G's (Grace, Growth, Group, Gifts, Giving, Going). The message was delivered at LifePointe Church on Sunday, September 4, 2016.

Episode Notes

THE HEART OF LIFEPOINTE CHURCH  Part 6 - Sunday, September 4, 2016 - Pastor Chuck Bernal

Church is not something you go to, it’s a family you belong to!


 You are a member of God’s very own family . . . and you belong in God’s household with every other Christian. (Ephesians 2:19 - LB)

 The church is  a ____________________________

 God expects me to be a _____________________ of the family

 A  Christian without a family is an _____________________________

 The Bible speaks often of the importance of church membership. In the New Testament, believers clearly identified themselves with a specific local body and were challenged to become devoted participants.

 At LifePointe, we have summarized the components of church membership using what we call THE 6 G’S.

 G ______________________________________ -

 I receive Christ as my Lord & Savior

 God saved you by his grace when you believed. And you can’t take credit for this; it is a gift from God. (Ephesians 2:8 – NLT)

 We have been ransomed through his Son’s blood, and we have forgiveness for our failures based on his overflowing grace. (Ephesians 1:7 – CEB)

 G ___________________________________ - 

I commit myself to deepening my faith

 Now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught . . .  (Colossians 2:6-7 – NLT)

 God wants us to grow up, to know the whole truth and tell it in love — like Christ in everything. (Ephesians 4:15 – Msg)

 G ________________________________ - 

I join with others to fulfill God’s purposes

 Since we are all one body in Christ, we belong to each other, and each of us needs all the others.  (Romans 12:5 -NLT)

So continue encouraging each other and building each other up just like you are doing already. (1 Thessalonians 5:11 – CEB)

 G _____________________________________ - 

I invest myself in meaningful ministry

 Each believer has received a gift that manifests the Spirit’s power and presence. That gift is given for the good of the whole community. (1 Corinthians 12:7 – Voice)

 God has given each of you a gift. Use it to help each other. (1 Peter 4:10 – NLV)

 G _________________________ - 

I use my financial resources to support the church

 On the first day of every week each of you should put aside some of your money. Give a certain part of what you have earned. (1 Corinthians 16:2 – NLV)

 Every Sunday each of you must put aside some money, in proportion to what you have earned . . .  (

1 Corinthians 16:2 – GNB)

 You people are robbing me, your God . . . You are robbing me of the offerings and of the ten percent that belongs to me . . . I challenge you to put me to the test. Bring the entire ten percent into the storehouse . . . (Malachi 3:8, 10 – CEV)

 G ______________________________ -

 I tell others about how they can know Jesus

Go to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit . . . (Matthew 28:19 – GNB)

 Be wise when you engage with those outside the faith community; make the most of every moment and every encounter. When you speak the word, speak it gracefully (as if seasoned with salt), so you will know how to respond to everyone rightly. Colossians 4:5-6 – Voice)


Think of ways to encourage one another to outbursts of love and good deeds.  And let  us  not neglect  our meeting  together, as some people do, but encourage and warn  each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again  is drawing near. (Hebrews 10:24-25 – NLT)

 Church membership matters because it ______________________ my commitment

We were formed for a family, specifically God’s family, and that we were designed to find fulfillment not just through what we  consume but through what we contribute.

The difference between an attender and a member is the difference between living together and getting married. COMMITMENT. A lot of people want to date the church, but they don't want to get married. I become a Christian by committing my life to Christ. I become a member of a church by committing myself to other Christians. I say, "That's going to be my church home where I'm going to give and be given to, where I'm going to serve and be served, where I'll love and be loved."  (Rick Warren)


The church is  a family

God expects me to be a member of the family

A  Christian without a family is an orphan

GRACE - I receive Christ as my Lord & Savior

GROWTH - I commit myself to deepening my faith

GROUP - I join with others to fulfill God’s purposes

GIFTS - I invest myself in meaningful ministry

GIVING - I use my financial resources to support the church

GOING - I tell others about how they can know Jesus

 Church membership matters because it validates my commitment

Content Copyright Belongs to LifePointe Church