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Studies In Acts

Studies In Acts

Title Speaker Date
Lesson 78 Acts 16:1-5 - The extent to which Timothy was willing to limit his own freedoms in order to help the Jews is staggering! Pastor Steve Hobbins July 29, 2020
Lesson 77 Acts 16:1-3 - The amazing willingness of Timothy Pastor Steve Hobbins July 28, 2020
Lesson 75 Acts 15:22-35 - the church sends a letter with godly men communicating the deliberation of the Jerusalem council. Pastor Steve Hobbins July 17, 2020
Lesson 74 Acts 15:19-21 - Pastor James gives his decision about where to go from here regarding the Gentiles Pastor Steve Hobbins July 16, 2020
Lesson 73 Acts 15:7-18 - More characteristics displayed by mature believers when discussing tough topics. Pastor Steve Hobbins July 14, 2020
Lesson 72 Acts 15:1-9 - How mature believers handle tough conversations with others Pastor Steve Hobbins July 13, 2020
Lesson 71 Acts 14:18-28 - Paul is stones and left for dead in Lystra Pastor Steve Hobbins July 09, 2020
Lesson 70 Acts 14:1-15 - Two extreme but opposite reactions to Paul’s message and how he wisely dealt with both extremes Pastor Steve Hobbins July 08, 2020
Lesson 69 Acts 13:38-52 - Encouraging thoughts from examining the positive and negative responses to Paul’s preaching Pastor Steve Hobbins July 07, 2020
Lesson 68 Acts 13:13-37 - Paul’s message in the synagogue in Antioch of Pisidia Pastor Steve Hobbins July 06, 2020
Lesson 67 Acts 13 Paul's First Missionary Trip Pastor Steve Hobbins July 02, 2020
Lesson 66 Acts 12:24-13:4a - The church sending out the first missionaries Pastor Steve Hobbins July 01, 2020
Lesson 65 Acts 12:12-23 - Peter shows up to the prayer meeting that is specifically for him! and they don’t believe it Pastor Steve Hobbins June 30, 2020
Lesson 64 Acts 12:1-11 - Peter is delivered! Examining some thoughts on miracle-producing prayer Pastor Steve Hobbins June 26, 2020
Lesson 63 Acts 11:19-26 - The birth and growth of the church in Antioch, Syria because of God’s use of encouraging men like Barnabas Pastor Steve Hobbins June 23, 2020
Lesson 62 Acts 11:1-18 - Peter is willing to give a careful, measured, Biblical answer to contentious brethren ... and they actually listened and rejoiced with him! Pastor Steve Hobbins June 22, 2020
Lesson 61 Acts 10 recap - Some Biblical thoughts on prejudiced people Pastor Steve Hobbins June 18, 2020
Lesson 60 Acts 10:17-48 - Peter arrives at the house of Cornelius who, along with the other Gentiles in his house, get saved. Pastor Steve Hobbins June 17, 2020
Lesson 59 Acts 10:3-14 - An angel comes to Cornelius, Peter has a vision, and some great thoughts on prayer Pastor Steve Hobbins June 16, 2020
Lesson 58 Acts 10:1-2 - Cornelius responds to the general revelation God has given him and God responds by sending him special revelation Pastor Steve Hobbins June 15, 2020
Lesson 57 Acts 9:32-43 - Paul is gone for a while and we return to the ministry of Peter Pastor Steve Hobbins June 12, 2020
Lesson 56 Acts 9:26-31 - Barnabas was so helpful in seeing Paul accepted by the Jerusalem church. Thank you, Barnabas! Pastor Steve Hobbins June 11, 2020
Lesson 55 Acts 9:17-25 - God used Ananias to help Saul, simply because Ananias was available Pastor Steve Hobbins June 10, 2020
Lesson 54 Acts 9:10-16 - Ananias (the one who helped Saul) is a great example of how God uses people who are simply available to Him Pastor Steve Hobbins June 09, 2020
Lesson 53 Acts 9:1-9 - Saul gets saved!!! Some lessons on how God transforms a life! Pastor Steve Hobbins June 08, 2020
Lesson 52 Acts 8:34-40 - Be careful about weighing the success of following God’s leading Pastor Steve Hobbins June 05, 2020
Lesson 51 Acts 8:26-34 - God blesses Philip’s obedience! Pastor Steve Hobbins June 04, 2020
Lesson 50 Acts 8:9-24 - Simon the Sorcerer wanted to be able to buy the ability to give the Holy Spirit. Pastor Steve Hobbins June 03, 2020
Lesson 49 Acts 8:1-8 - Philip’s revival in Samaria - Characteristics of a great ministry Pastor Steve Hobbins June 02, 2020
Lesson 48 Acts 7:54-60 - Some great lessons on forgiveness from the death of Stephen Pastor Steve Hobbins June 01, 2020
Lesson 47 Acts 7:1-53 - Stephen sermon to his countrymen Pastor Steve Hobbins May 29, 2020
Lesson 46 Acts 6:9-14 - Stephen was a model of appropriateness, yet was still attacked. Pastor Steve Hobbins May 28, 2020
Lesson 45 Acts 6:1-7 - The early church had problems too?!! Pastor Steve Hobbins May 27, 2020
Lesson 44 Acts 5:33-42 - Gamaliel’s guarded guidance Pastor Steve Hobbins May 26, 2020
Lesson 43 Acts 5:21-32 God can use the mistreatment of His people to reach the innocent onlookers Pastor Steve Hobbins May 22, 2020
Lesson 42 Acts 5:17-21 How can a church (or church member) measure success? Pastor Steve Hobbins May 21, 2020
Lesson 41 Acts 5:7-16 Sapphira’s deceit, the seriousness of dishonesty, and the apostles’ miraculous ministry Pastor Steve Hobbins May 20, 2020
Lesson 40 Acts 5:1-6 Ananias’ Fatal Falsehood Pastor Steve Hobbins May 19, 2020
Lesson 39 Acts 4:31 Holy Boldness Does Not Mean... Pastor Steve Hobbins May 15, 2020
Lesson 38 Acts 4:19-31 What factors led to the Apostles' extraordinary boldness? Pastor Steve Hobbins May 14, 2020
Lesson 37 Acts 4:1-18 The Sanhedrin meets to decide what to do with these "unlearned and ignorant men" and the Apostles won't be intimidated. Pastor Steve Hobbins May 13, 2020
Lesson 36 Acts 3 17-4:4 Peter preaching to the crowd that gathered to se the no-longer-the-lame man. Great lessons on sharing the gospel. Pastor Steve Hobbins May 12, 2020
Lesson 35 Acts 3:11-18 Peter and own are relentless in their communication of their awareness that Jesus was the One Who healed the lame man Pastor Steve Hobbins May 11, 2020
Lesson 34 Acts 3:1-13 God used Peter and John to heal a lame man and they are careful to point all praise to Christ Pastor Steve Hobbins May 08, 2020
Lesson 33 Acts 2:42-47 Some great thoughts on church unity Pastor Steve Hobbins May 07, 2020
Lesson 32 Acts 2:32-41 Peter leads his countrymen to a point of decision and we see how they respond. Pastor Steve Hobbins May 06, 2020
Lesson 31 Acts 2:14-31 Peter’s sermon at Pentecost - several elements of effective preaching Pastor Steve Hobbins May 05, 2020
Lesson 30 Acts 2:1-13 The Holy Spirit comes at Pentecost Pastor Steve Hobbins May 04, 2020
Lesson 29 Acts 1:15-26 Thoughts to consider when a church considers change Pastor Steve Hobbins May 01, 2020
Lesson 28 Acts 1:12-15 Getting along, praying with each other, and giving your leaders space and grace to make the changes God leads them to make. Pastor Steve Hobbins April 30, 2020
Lesson 27 Acts 1:3-12 The promise of the Spirit and the Ascension of Christ Pastor Steve Hobbins April 29, 2020
Lesson 26 Acts 1;1-11 What the disciples had to learn in preparation for God to use them in a greater way after Jesus ascended Pastor Steve Hobbins April 28, 2020
Lesson 25 Acts 1 Paul arrives at Rome Pastor Steve Hobbins April 27, 2020
Lesson 24 Acts 28 Paul is shipwrecked on an island Pastor Steve Hobbins April 24, 2020
Lesson 22 Acts 27 Paul is on his way to Rome as a prisoner, but God begins to give him influence. Pastor Steve Hobbins April 23, 2020
Lesson 23 Acts 27 Remaining calm in a crisis Pastor Hobbins April 23, 2020
Lesson 21 Acts 27 Paul pleads his case before Festus and Agrippa. Great lessons on sharing our faith Pastor Steve Hobbins April 22, 2020
Lesson 20 Acts 25-26 Festus tells King Agrippa the background on Paul’s case Pastor Steve Hobbins April 21, 2020
Lesson 19 Acts 25:13-22 Introducing Festus who quickly learns the lay of the land - Dealing with accusations Pastor Steve Hobbins April 20, 2020
Lesson 18 Acts 25 Felix, a man of corruption, convenience, and under conviction Pastor Steve Hobbins April 17, 2020
Lesson 17 Acts 24 introduced to a corrupt politician and a slick-talking lawyer Pastor Steve Hobbins April 16, 2020
Lesson 16 Acts 24 Paul’s nephew helps him avoid an assassination attempt! Pastor Steve Hobbins April 15, 2020
Lesson 15 Acts 23 Paul testifies before the Sanhedrin and does something that makes people question his testimony - Lessons on integrity. Pastor Steve Hobbins April 14, 2020
lesson 14 Acts 23 Saved by His Citizenship Pastor Hobbins April 13, 2020
Lesson 13 Acts 22 Paul is tracing God’s hand in his life that led to his salvation. Pastor Hobbins April 09, 2020
Lesson 12 Acts 22 Recognizing God’s sovereign control in our past Pastor Hobbins April 08, 2020
Lesson 11 Acts 21 Paul is rescued from the mob and is to be interrogated by Claudius - Lessons on remaining calm in a crisis Pastor Steve Hobbins April 07, 2020
Lesson 10 Acts 21 When we are inclined to judge another person’s decisions. Pastor Steve Hobbins April 06, 2020
Lesson 9 Acts 21 Pastor Steve Hobbins April 03, 2020
Lesson 8 Acts 21 Paul renews an old acquaintance, someone who would not have started out as a friend. Pastor Steve Hobbins April 02, 2020
Lesson 7 Acts 21 Pastor Steve Hobbins April 01, 2020
Lesson 6 Acts 19 Acts Not everyone is happy when revival happens Pastor Steve Hobbins March 31, 2020
Lesson 5 Acts 19 Pastor Steve Hobbins March 30, 2020
Lesson 4 Acts 19 What are some factors in a church’s revival? Pastor Steve Hobbins March 27, 2020
Lesson 3 Acts 18/19 Pastor Steve Hobbins March 26, 2020
Lesson 2 Acts 18 Pastor Steve Hobbins March 25, 2020
Lesson 1 Acts 18 Pastor Steve Hobbins March 24, 2020

Content Copyright Belongs to Lewis Avenue Baptist Church