Why Christ Had To Come
Series: Exalting Jesus (John Epistles' Series)
July 04, 2021
Pastor Cosme Cabalteja
"Behold what manner of love, that the Father has given to us." Try to feel John's excitement! He's calling your attention with such excitement! Something that the world would not even admire. What was John so excited about? John is telling his readers that God, in His immeasurable love for us, has adopted us as His children, thus proving that He chose to save us by His grace. We may not look like we are and yet we are indeed God's children. And when Jesus finally comes back, we will all be like Him, pure as He is pure. And we are called to practice righteousness as this is the evidence that we are indeed God's children. John tells us to live a life that righteous and is pleasing to God. We are to live a pure life, devoid of sin, grounded in the promise that Jesus is coming back and He is coming back soon! This is His second coming that we all are eagerly waiting.
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