06062021 - The Joy of Obedience
Series: Exalting Jesus (John Epistles' Series)
June 06, 2021
Pastor Cosme Cabalteja
During the Lord Jesus Christ's ministry here on earth, He said to His disciples; "If you love me, you will keep my commandments" (John 14:15). Let me tell you this: You can't separate, or, you can't divorce the love for Christ and obedience to His commands. At one point, He even questioned the people of His day when He said, "Why do you call me Lord, Lord, and do not do what I tell you?" (Luke 6:46). You see, lip service is not sufficient. Your actions should match your speech. As a matter of fact, lip service is not acceptable to Christ's service. Your obedience to God reveals who you really are. You shall be known by your fruit. Obedience to God's word brings out your true color, it tells the world whether you're a true follower of Christ or a fake Christian. Let me say it again: You can tell a tree by its fruit, you shall be known by your fruit.
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