05022021 - The Mosaic Covenant
Series: Covenant Making God
May 02, 2021
Pastor Cosme Cabalteja
When you hear the name Moses, quite automatically you would think of Israel being slaves in Egypt ,the parting of the Red Sea, and The 10 Commandments. And these commandments are what is commonly referred to as "The Law." If you recall last week, when Pastor Royce talked about the Abrahamic and the unconditional covenant that God had with him. Do you remember the blessings that was declared to him? God said to him: "I will bless those who bless you and curse all those who curse you." In other words, God will prosper those who bless the Hebrew people, but punish those who curse the Hebrew race. And God gave the seal of the covenant, as sign of the covenant relationship, which was circumcision. God had set aside for Himself Abraham so that God said, "In Isaac shall your seed be called." And this goes without saying that any other race outside of the Hebrew line of Abraham were excluded from the covenant; and ultimately "The Seed" was focused in Christ Jesus, who was the same "Seed" that God was referring to when He cursed the Serpent in the garden after the Fall of Man.
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