03072021 - Controvertial Issues
Series: Marked: A Journey Through The Gospel of Mark
March 07, 2021
Pastor Cosme Cabalteja
This portion of Mark is where you'll find Jesus talk about a few controversial issues. If you just make a quick scan through this chapter, you will notice that right at the onset of it, the Lord talked about divorce which we are going to spend ample time discussing. And then Jesus talked about who's welcome in God's kingdom and that riches cannot buy you salvation. And then of course toward the end of the chapter, the parody of who's great in God's kingdom. What you gotta do if you want to be great in God's kingdom? This chapter is quite interesting because when you read through and study the passages, you'll find that contemporary. You'll think that Jesus was teaching about current societal issues. More so, North American societal issues.
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