Introduction to the book of Hebrews

Series: The Book of Hebrews

January 03, 2025
Apostle Vincent G Valentyn

Followers of Christ have suffered persecution throughout history. Stolen property, beatings, imprisonment and martyrdom have been the fate of countless Christians. And by some reports, Christ's followers are being persecuted more than ever in our day. For those of us who aren't suffering in these ways, it's hard to imagine the temptations that persecution brings. Christians who live in peace and safety often compromise their faith even without threats. But can you imagine how tempting it would be to compromise what you believe to protect yourself, your spouse, your children and your closest friends from serious harm? · How could we possibly encourage fellow believers in these conditions? · This was the challenge that faced the author of the book of Hebrews. He wrote to a group of Christians who had suffered in the past and were now threatened with even more suffering. · They'd done well years ago, but the author of Hebrews feared that they might now turn away from Christ to avoid further persecution.

Episode Notes


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